scraping, sanding, painting and pizza


i spent the morning scraping adhesive off plaster walls with a heat gun. with my respirator mask on, i could imagine it smelled like warm chocolate frosting…


mathew finished his bathroom framing. later this evening he sanded and painted the new siding outside. (above right) mathew in his new birthday overalls! [notice the shiny clean kitchen floor? i scrubbed it last night. – mathew]


for dinner we made pizza and tested the oven with an oven thermometer. as i suspected, the oven has no temperature control (i baked a lasagna and a casserole last week…) if you set it at 400 degrees it will preheat for 10 minutes and keep getting hotter. after baking the first pizza for 5 minutes the oven was 525. after 5 minutes of baking the second pizza it was up to 575! how hot could it get? so, this oven isn’t great for cookies but it’s excellent for super-thin crust pizza! too bad you can’t smell these… mmm.

rainy wednesday

as if our day jobs weren’t keeping us busy enough, mathew also has woodworking to do for karate. his dojo is hosting the annual nationals tournament and they need poles to hold the region banners. the tournament is this weekend! he’s also been training to compete in it.


he’s here sanding this rainy morning instead of at his day job. but the upside? he LOVES his new workshop.




and he sealed up the openings he made over the weekend. because it’s getting COLD.

our wedding anniversary is this saturday and most likely mathew will be at the tournament all day. hard to believe we got married this weekend 5 years ago. the last 5 years have been great, time has flown by, i’m just wondering why we’ve had such a cold and rainy october. what happened to our san francisco summer?


one more thing: mathew wanted to show a little glimpse into my life. the little stool that sits by my chair holds my new tape measure, my new camera (thanks justin!) and its cables, etc.

one less window and some red floor

while i went off to do yet more shopping – i think i’ve been procrastinating, because i’m feeling intimidated by the cast iron sewer pipe that i need to move for the new toilet location – janeen started to tear up the underlayment that is on the floor in the room we are using as a living room right now. there are so many nails in it – fortunately they did not glue it down, though.

underlayment before removalremoving window

when i finally got back from ‘discount’ (it’s anything but) builder’s supply, i realized that we need to remove the painted over window because it will interfere with the shower. it’s a bit weird because it looks out directly at three of our neighbor’s windows. there will (only) be two windows left now. so instead of fiddling with the intimidating plumbing, i reframed the wall and, with janeen’s help, nailed on the siding through a combination of leaning out the side widows, and climbing on the roof. it was really difficult to fit the new siding in, because the old siding had all shrunk the new pieces were almost half an inch wider.

siding onjaneen relaxing

so, it feels a bit better now that we got something done. janeen managed to take off about 1/3 of the underlayment. janeen is now relaxing under a blanket next to the floor where she removed the stinky underlayment.

short weekend

we didn’t make any major progress this weekend but got a lot of little things done.


i cleaned and repaired the blinds in the office and took down the valance and curtain rails. (20+ years of dust?) we’ll keep these blinds for now until i figure out what i want instead of them. hopefully soon i’ll get some new paint on those walls.

deck beforedeck after

mathew temporarily fixed the sad, sagging deck in the backyard.

upstairs bathroomplumbing

and pulled up the floorboards to get to the plumbing in the upstairs bathroom. he did some re-routing with the copper pipes in the garage. the previous plumber had some strange, inefficient methods. i know nothing about plumbing, but hot water shouldn’t travel twice the width of the house then go up and around the exterior of the house, should it?


is there anything this guy can’t fix? last week mathew also repaired the ancient stove in the downstairs kitchen. now we can cook downstairs! as good as the mexican food is around here, there are only so many tacos and burritos you can eat before you need some variety.

it’s columbus day and i guess some people have it off? mathew is away at work and i’ll soon be sitting in front of my computer, in my pink office with clean, functional blinds.

adventures in plaster

mathew spent most of yesterday at the house. he hadn’t had any experience working with plaster but he read-up online, bought a 50 lb. bag and got to work. he spent the early part of the day prepping, came back for lunch at 3 and went back at 6 to start the plaster. around 11:30 last night i started getting worried. where was he? was he okay? wasn’t he starving?

i called and he was just cleaning up. he sounded happy and talkative. he said plaster is HARD work and that he didn’t know what he was doing, but he plastered the first wall and we’ll see what it’s like when it dries. he said he was trying for super-smooth, but we might have to go with the rustic look… knowing mathew i’m sure the wall is fine and he’s just being hard on himself. he came home at midnight and ate dinner.

we used to always criticize the “sub-standard” plaster in our apartment. now he strokes the walls and says “how do they get it so smooth?”

a long day

we had helpers today! in one of the downstairs rooms, my parents pulled up carpet.



(left) and linoleum tiles… under the underlayment (right) is old fir. mathew says this is called the sub-floor, not meant to be the final layer but often kept exposed in old houses and can be quite nice when finished. we may or may not add hardwood. we’re not sure what condition it’s in but the part that was uncovered was painted red.


and upstairs my cousin larry was helping scrape “chocolate” adhesive and wallpaper off the plaster walls. he was in town for the weekend and thought he’d put in a few hours of help.

the five of us had lunch at a local, very popular, hole-in-the-wall mexican restaurant. on the way back we looked at murals, another tourist attraction in the mission district. thank you so much larry, mom and dad for all your help today. i hope you’re not too sore tomorrow.


after our helpers left, we came back for more scraping and sanding. this new sander and wet/dry vac are amazing, the dust gets sucked directly into the vacuum cleaner. dustless sanding. mathew started to repair the plaster and kept wondering if we should have torn down all the plaster and put up dry wall. but what a mess that would have been, and more waste. and how many people actually have plaster walls these days? eventually the plan is to break into these walls and add built-in shelves and cabinets.

my hands and arms are so tired i almost didn’t post tonight. hope everyone had a nice weekend!

back to work

it was an eventful day that started with a phone call from my grandmother anxious to finally see the house. we had hoped to show it to her after we’d done some work downstairs, but auntie linda was visiting and they thought today was a good day. so, just like last night, we packed up the car with more boxes and went to the house for an 11am showing. i think it went well, but it’s hard to know… auntie linda was very positive.

we had to turn down their suggestion for getting lunch and head to the local bejamin moore paint store, today was our only day, tomorrow they are closed. we bought paint, primer and lots of plaster and painting equipment. it was a nice sunny day to be walking in the mission. i’m liking the new neighborhood more and more.

next we made a stop at the always chaotic 9th street trader joe’s. we had von and wendy’s annual picnic to attend and didn’t have time to cook anything. we came home to get info and directions then headed across the city to crissy field.


we got there at 3. the party was over and they were packing up and ready to leave.


we hung out for an hour in the freezing, windy fog. san francisco micro-climates are weird!

mathew toymathew toy

after sitting in traffic to get back across town, we finally made it back to the house to get some work done. but first mathew got to play with his new toys.


we’re starting on a new room, our bedroom upstairs. there is this weird retro paneling everywhere. we thought it would be easy to remove but there was adhesive and wallpaper underneath…


at first it looked like poo, but then it was kind of fun to remove. it started looking like crunchy chocolate icing. and now my arms are so tired.

labor day

plant from genannenew tools for neen

(left) doesn’t the housewarming plant from genanne look nice in the upstairs kitchen? (right) i got my own tools, bag and gloves!

foyer carpetlinoleum #1 detail

(left) today i pulled up the carpet in the foyer downstairs. (right) linoleum #1.

janeen and lino #2linoleum #2 detail

AND under that, linoleum #2! this one will be tricky. it was glued down and there’s major water damage near the door. not sure how the wood survived…

mathew demo 1mathew demo 2

upstairs: mathew took out the tile, chicken-wire, and mortar floor. noisy.

dust 1dust 3dust 4

the dust was thick and photogenic. (yes, genanne, we’re both wearing our masks.)

bathroom floor 1bathroom floor 2

(left) “i hope the toilet made it down okay.”

just kidding, it’s in the garage. the bathroom is now completely empty.

now the hard part

today we met up with janeen’s friend, genanne, for a picnic – at the house, of course. she introduced us to a really tasty mexican food restaurant just blocks from our house, la taqueria. (janeen says: and she brought us a super cute potted plant as our first housewarming gift. must take photo! and why aren’t there photos of our guest? i think we were starving.)

picnic in the officecookies, tomatoes and tacos

we had a surprise visitor while we were eating – dee dee, the wonderful real estate agent who helped us buy this house, showed up with cookies and home-grown tomatoes for us. (j: and again, sadly, no photo of dee dee…)

mathew’s workshop

adjusting garage doorafter moving in many of my tools – finally i have a workshop – we discovered, last week, that the lock on the garage door was broken. it did not appear to be broken at first, but when you put a key into it – any key – you could twist the entire lock and unlock the garage door. i couldn’t wait to get in there and fix it. i’m now a locksmith. i cannibalized another lock in the house that’s broken, and rekeyed the garage door lock to match one of the house keys for another door. don’t need any more keys.

while janeen was busy entertaining her friend, I continued with the upstairs bathroom. I was determined to finish stripping all the walls, ceiling, and get the bathtub out of there.

left cornerright corner

janeen pulling nails out of every tiny piece of woodjaneen did some major cleanup (j: and recycling!) – there was dust, broken tile, broken wall board and plywood, nails, plaster all piled on the floor and in the bath tub. then we took out the cast iron tub and we maneuvered it downstairs. more good news (for me): the sewer pipe, which i thought i was going to have to move, is already in the right place for the new toilet location.

just one more thing to do before we can start on the rough plumbing: the floor tile was set in mortar with metal lathe embedded in it. we need to take this out to get the toilet out (it is embedded in the mortar), and to change the plumbing for the new toilet location, and the shower.