short weekend

we didn’t make any major progress this weekend but got a lot of little things done.


i cleaned and repaired the blinds in the office and took down the valance and curtain rails. (20+ years of dust?) we’ll keep these blinds for now until i figure out what i want instead of them. hopefully soon i’ll get some new paint on those walls.

deck beforedeck after

mathew temporarily fixed the sad, sagging deck in the backyard.

upstairs bathroomplumbing

and pulled up the floorboards to get to the plumbing in the upstairs bathroom. he did some re-routing with the copper pipes in the garage. the previous plumber had some strange, inefficient methods. i know nothing about plumbing, but hot water shouldn’t travel twice the width of the house then go up and around the exterior of the house, should it?


is there anything this guy can’t fix? last week mathew also repaired the ancient stove in the downstairs kitchen. now we can cook downstairs! as good as the mexican food is around here, there are only so many tacos and burritos you can eat before you need some variety.

it’s columbus day and i guess some people have it off? mathew is away at work and i’ll soon be sitting in front of my computer, in my pink office with clean, functional blinds.

2 thoughts on “short weekend”

  1. i think cisco should paint their offices pink 🙂 or maybe god should change the whole universe so that all the colors of the rainbow are just pink, brown blue and white.

  2. I have been to conference Daniel was involved with making at Emerson so he’s still here and we are in Broghton looking at your pics
    love you Mumsu

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