stopping and starting

on saturday mathew worked on the house while i visited my grandmother and helped with holiday stuff.

ben & jerrymom and jason

but turtle wasn’t completely alone, he got a visit from daniel (his dad) and younger brother elijah (visiting from santa barbara.) they had a short ben & jerry’s break together. my parents and older brother also dropped by to check out the progress.

more plumbingsoldering

we’re both happy to say the upstairs plumbing is almost done! (above) some late night pipe soldering (looking turtle-y on the right.) i wanted to watch a movie but i helped with framing, pipe cutting and prep instead.

carrot cake

daniel brought us a housewarming carrot cake! yummmm… and it was made by my client: just desserts (i do their labels.)

glass pod

and another housewarming gift: a beautiful, japanese, hand-blown glass pod (bud vase) a gift from midori and andy during thanksgiving weekend.

i’d better get to work now…

now what?

i had big plans for the weekend: get the water for the kitchen hooked up (again), and start framing in the walls of the bathroom. didn’t quite get there, but we got most of the way.

new sistered joist

after plastering the the bedroom wall, we noticed that it cracked when janeen jumped in the doorway! not promising. i’d noticed beforehand that when the plumber had installed the sewer pipes in the old bathroom, they had destroyed one joist, and left a second one next to it almost completely cut. i think this is the reason for much of the cracking in the wall – so this weekend i resolved to reinforce the joist that was in the worst shape, and runs under this wall.

janeen paint-strippingpaint chips

janeen spent hours stripping layers of old paint from the old trim that goes around the bedroom door. difficult to see (maybe janeen will upload a better picture…) but theres green, gold, beige, white…

laying pipes to kitchenconnecting pipes to kitchen

my second goal was to get the pipes connected into the kitchen. had to tear up the carpet to install them. when i was in the middle of pulling up the carpet, janeen said, “it just gets more and more ugly. when’s it going to start looking pretty?” soon. i hope.

janeen carpenter

didn’t quite get the pipes all connected up, but janeen did some framing.

pulling nails

we have been trying to reuse as much wood as we can. this means we spend a lot of time pulling out old nails, and unscrewing screws. so far, we have filled seven cans with nails.

janeen pulling out nails

did someone here order a pizza?

“no – but man, that’s a good idea.”

during a moment when we weren’t making any noise, mathew thought he heard the doorbell. he went downstairs to check and someone asked, “did someone here order a pizza?” well, it wasn’t just some pizza guy, it was our good friends making a “home invasion” pizza delivery.


a fun lunch break and yummy chicago-style pizza from patxi’s. (l-r: nancy, mae, turtle, philip, alex and mole.) mae had been planning a lunch delivery for weeks, we just didn’t know it would be a surprise.

nancy’s gift

and nancy brought a beautiful housewarming gift basket which included homemade chocolate ginger granola and 3 rolls of chocolate pecan oatmeal cookie dough! don’t we have amazing friends?

mathewnew window

new windowold window

mathew installed the new window and we got the siding back up on the outside of the house. it’s all sealed up again, just in time for the rain that’s coming this week. doesn’t the new window look a lot nicer and more air-tight than the old aluminum-and-glass-slat window that we replaced? maybe next weekend we’ll get the other window installed, and the flooring down and wall panels up? there we go being overly ambitious again…


on saturday mathew hoped to get a new bathroom window installed, replace the removed (and improved) siding on the outside of the house, and install the sub-floor. we’re always so optimistic about what we can get done in the 8 or 9 hours of daylight and noise-making time each saturday and sunday. mathew usually spends much of saturday running around buying materials.

bathroom wallsiding

here mathew is removing the old framing for the bathroom window. to get at everything, he needed to remove siding and framing from the outside of the house. and i was scraping, sanding and painting (sealing) the siding, to put back after the window is installed.

deliverymission laundry

(above left) we received a delivery of plywood (for the new bathroom vanity), cedar flooring (naturally water and mold resistant) and more insulation. (above right) our late afternoon view of the mission district and potrero hill, as our laundry dries on a cold, windy but sunny day. the mission seriously does get the best weather in san francisco.

everything was ready for the window to be installed by the time the sun went down so i convinced mathew to wait till the morning. we don’t need him climbing on the outside of the house, after dark! but we’re no where near putting in flooring or interior paneling…

window frame

and later, in his workshop, mathew made these pretty frames that will go around the upstairs, bedroom window.

plumbing, plaster and insulation

in an attempt to get more accomplished on the house, we’ve been declining any daytime, social invites. it’s probably not making us very popular with friends and family, but it would be great if my grandmother could move in asap and not have to spend another winter living alone. because of our work schedules, our house schedule keeps getting pushed back.

here are the photo highlights from this long weekend. because our evenings were busy i had to make one large post today.


(above left) new sidewalk and driveway squares! (above right) more plumbing.


white bread: a plumber’s tool. it helps to soak up water in the pipes so that you can actually solder the pipe instead of just boil water in it. but i’m guessing most plumbers don’t use freshly baked baguettes. and mathew takes bites in between soldering.

midori and andy

we had our first house guests! midori and andy were visiting from portland and stayed over friday night. i guess i don’t have to mention, we were terrible hosts! we were up early on saturday and mathew got right to work.


as the temps drop, the need to insulate becomes urgent. this house was built in 1914, before insulation. here mathew is adding fiberglass insulation to the bathroom ceiling and walls.





another late night of plaster work. another dinner at midnight. typically one wall takes us about 4 hours from start to finish. i was having so much fun taking photos of mathew and his shadow that he had to ask me to stop so i could actually get some work done… (there were a lot of cool shadow photos!)



more insulation. one side of the living room is done. the bedroom is next. for the ceilings we’re going to use a blow-in recycled cellulose insulation. it involves drilling holes in the ceiling plaster and renting a machine to blow the material into each space. a cozy new hat and jacket for our house.

operation: progress.

this has been the craziest week. and it’s only wednesday…


this is what it looks like when i get up, around 6:30 am. i’m at the computer by 7 and i work until mathew comes home, at about 8 or 9 pm. last night we didn’t eat dinner until midnight (which we actually cooked at 9), because the urge to plaster got in the way…




that’s mathew burnishing the 3rd and final layer of plaster. as usual, he is quite critical about his 2nd attempt ever (!) to plaster a wall, but i think it turned out pretty great. and there are so many more walls to practice on. as you can tell, i am just the helper, i mix the plaster and apply it to the hawk (that’s the thing in his left hand that holds the plaster.) i also clean up his messes, offer encouragement and sing along with the radio.

will there be more plaster tonight? perhaps. but i think i’d rather eat, then sleep.

happy thanksgiving everyone!

pretty in pink?

pinkWe decided that even though the upstairs walls are really cool looking, with the distressed plaster and layers of stripped paint, we’d give it a nice coat of pink paint — in honor of my brother. No, really, this pink paint is called ‘PlasterWeld’ and it’s supposed to help the veneer plaster adhere properly to the walls. Our plan was to coat the walls and do the plastering this weekend. I got a bit distracted, as you’ll see.

Earlier in the week, our illustrious – and now even more prosperous – plumber dug up our driveway to repair the sewer pipe. Cleaning the driveway Besides the ever increasing quotes, we didn’t realize that the plumber was planning to use the driveway to store piles of dirt dug out to get at the sewer pipe – for over a week. This ordeal is still not over. Hopefully tomorrow the building inspector will sign off on it without prompting any more cost escalation.

I had to shovel the piles to each side to squeeze the car out.

Meanwhile, back to the real project: The drainage pipes for the shower are finally in and finished.

twisty pipedrain pipes done

Now on to getting water into the shower – since we’ve already removed the crazy piping on the outside of the house, we need to find a new shorter route inside the house. [above left: We can’t figure out why one would need to make this shape pipe?]

pipe pieces

Extra pipe, anyone?

I tried to carefully cut out the gyp board from the ceiling in the lower level so i can reuse it after installing the plumbing pipes. Mostly successful, and plenty of plaster dust in my hair, ears, eyes, nose and mouth:

garage ceiling 1carefully garage ceiling

Janeen did loads of prep work getting the upstairs bedroom ready for plastering, and also started demolishing the funny dysfunctional closet beside the kitchen (only half of it was usable). If you’ve never tried it, there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to un-screw painted-over screws that have the head mostly worn out:

found keysjaneen closet demo

She found some rather cute little keys in the process, though.

walls coated with plasterweld

The walls look pretty with the pink paint, eh?

the money pit

many years ago when we first started shopping for a house, a co-worker of mathew’s recommended we see the movie, “the money pit,” staring tom hanks and shelley long. i think she meant it as a cautionary tale. of course we never saw it. and now i keep thinking about that movie…


(above, left.) we’ve got major plumbing drama this week. on saturday we had plumbers tear up our sidewalk, dig down to our sewer line and repair the broken pipe and connection, only to return today to test it with high pressure water and find that the clay pipe is broken further up the line… this means we need to tear up the driveway concrete leading all the way up to the house and replace all the clay pipe with cast iron. $$$$. the upside: we shouldn’t have to replace the sewer line again.

(above, right.) check me out in my super-cool accessories! respirator, goggles and ear protection: makes me feel like a star wars character. this weekend as mathew got closer to completing the upstairs bathroom plumbing, i did more scraping, sanding, moulding removal and paint stripping. have you ever tried sanding a ceiling? hard work!


and i had my first try at plaster (with lots of help from mathew.) paint is coming soon! exciting. guess that means i should finally decide on a color.


mathew’s work hasn’t been too photogenic, but here’s a nice shot of him removing superfluous pipe outside.


from last weekend: doesn’t it seem like the upstairs keeps getting more destroyed?


mathew working on the upstairs bathroom plumbing.

construction zone

mathew’s “workshop” outside of the bathroom.


crazy sparks fly as pipe is cut.

stripping paint

i’ve been prepping the upstairs bedroom for plaster and paint. i removed the picture rail moulding. and stripping the paint on the window sill is quite satisfying! i’ve been using a heat gun, scrapers and a respirator mask.

hopefully this weekend we can make more progress…