
I just realized that my thinking on electric cars changed dramatically over the last two years. Two years ago, we had to buy a new car, and at the time I was perfectly happy with buying another gas car. In fact, if it hadn’t been for mole’s veto, I’d have even bought a non-hybrid Honda Fit. At the time, my thinking was: Most electricity is generated by CO2 emitting technology (and I include Nuclear in that, because the mining, transportation, storage, safety backup systems, etc all rely on fossil fuel) – therefore it is more efficient to just use the energy source directly. Two years later and it feels almost absurd to think that someone now would go out and buy a vehicle that’s not electric. I was missing the point.

I think a few things have happened to push me that way:

  • One was the morning in September 2020 when we woke up to a burned, dark sky and no sun. This hit me at a much deeper emotional level than even Greta Thunberg’s speeches and Friday strikes, and left me feeling hopeless and depressed.
  • On top of this came the dramatic demonstration by Russia that reliance on fossil fuel is an ongoing security issue for the world. One despot in control of the oil-drug we rely on and we’re lost.
  • Talking to people who own electric cars it became clear that electric cars are so simple mechanically that they are inevitably more reliable and require much less maintenance.
  • And also the general noise and stink of internal combustion engines became very obvious after the brief hiatus we had from them during the pandemic.
  • And, and, and we got solar panels! I now see first hand the layers of self-serving inertia in our electricity monopoly. They cause delays to the installation, delays to allowing us to connect, and constantly (successfully) lobby the state regulator to reduce the amount they pay, even as they cause wildfires that burn down whole communities. But much of the inefficiency and weakness in the electric grid is that it relies on single point generation of electricity. Electricity is distributed over many miles to many different places, wasting energy for every mile it travels. Distributed solar could change that – in California the electricity could be mostly generated and stored near where it’s needed. The loss of one electric plant, or power line, could be negligible.

I think electric cars are most certainly not the answer to our environmental crisis. They do not address urban sprawl, or the massive waste of money and energy building huge roads. But they are so much better than gasoline cars, that I now compare them to the steam engine: Clever technology for the time, but now very dated.

It was a bit of a process to get solar installed: When the garage was dug out in the 1960’s, they put a post in front of the electric panel. This violates code, so the building inspector would not approve any work until it was moved. Besides, it was completely full with no available locations to connect the solar electric system. Contractors were so extremely busy that I could only get two bids – one of which I had to pay them for. And the prices were twice what the solar company had estimated for the cheaper bid. But now that it’s all installed, we’ve become obsessed with trying to time our electricity usage with the middle of the day when we make the most. Better to try to use it here than get pennies on the dollar from PG&E.

But I digress: I mentioned in the last post that I made a door and a new temporary wall. This door I made out of old wood that was wall paneling. The mistake I made on this door is that the two stiles (the thicker pieces on sides of the door) are too narrow to install a lock. Maybe I can find an old surface mounted lock.

But it looks nice, and now the bikes are completely hidden from view when the garage door is open.

I also got the new steel moment frame delivered. The main beam weighs over 800lb. I couldn’t figure out how to lift it off the truck: Even if we got four people, it would be over 200lb per person, and it’s very difficult to share that load among all those people. It would have been a disaster. Luckily Beronio – where I ordered the moment frame – agreed to have the frame delivered to them, then they drove it to my house on their truck that has a mobile forklift. Now it’s sitting in my garage, waiting for the next stage.

It rolled around quite nicely on a couple of moving dollies. I got it tucked in under my workbench, so it’s not too much in the way while I work.

Oh, but there’s still something else: The space where the new steel beam needs to go is a spaghetti jumble of wires. They all need to be moved.

So the last few weeks I have been identifying which circuit the wires belong to, and figuring out how to re-route them so that they don’t interfere with the new beam.

I’m going to have to repair a lot of floor joists that were notched by the previous owners.

I started removing the old siding in the space under the stairs. But I need to take these stairs out completely before I can get the rest of the siding off. I’ve been delaying on it though, because it’s been raining non-stop. I’ll need to build a temporary wall where the steps are right now, and maybe a temporary roof.

When mole and I were out walking, we saw this fun mural on someone’s garage door. Made me think of my brother!

And look at this security gate. Instead of an uglification of the house, as most of them are, it’s a piece of art. Even the vertical bars represent kelp. I love it so much.

How about this for public art sculpture? My nephew riding a sand dragon.

Oh, and when Misha was in town, we managed to get friends together to go for a run on one of my favorite trails.



Yet again, I didn’t plan on this being a permanent change, but once I get into it, I can’t help myself: I built in a bench, shelves, cabinets, electrical…

But before all that, I ran a really tough half marathon in September – “Bear Creek Half”.

At the beginning of the race, I noticed that nobody else seems to wear bright colors. So it’s pretty easy to spot me in photographs. After the first climb, the view at the top was incredible – and there were cows everywhere. I started wondering if it was really true that red makes cows angry? Or is that bulls? Either way, they didn’t seem to care. It was an incredibly strenuous race, and the 80+ degree weather didn’t help. But I finished in the top ten overall (6th) – and my fancy new Garmin watch suggested I rest for 66 hours. The girls were quite happy to rest with me.

So back to the point of the post. I’m still trying to reuse wood, so just to start making the cabinets I had to glue a lot of smaller pieces together. Then I used the special cabinet jigs Misha gave me years ago to drill all the holes for adjustable shelving.

OK first base cabinets going in – because the floor slopes in every direction, and the wall isn’t square, it took a while to get this all lined up.

These cabinets we’ve had in the garage for a long time. Finally they are in a good place – I’ll fill them up with things that don’t do well getting dusty.

Now I need some shelves…

I decided to make the work top stepped down so that I can use my miter saw here. The height of the step is exactly the same as the height of the miter saw base, so that wood can be supported on the bench top at the left side. But first the old bench top is too short, and has a piece cut out of it. Need to fix that.

A bit hard to see here, but this is how it works. I still need to use spacers to support the wood on the right side of the saw.

Oh, and there was a lot of wiring to do – it all got pulled out when I was putting the plywood up.

Shelves for all the paint cans I’ve accumulated.

On the right of the photo below is where I plan to put my dust collector. When I re-wired, I added a three-way switch so I can turn the dust collector on or off from different places in the garage…

… and dust collection means I have to put together all the ducting for it. This is turning into a major project.

So here’s the problem with doing all this:

The electrical panel is currently partially hidden behind that wood post. I had some electricians come over to look at moving it (because it’s not to code here). One of the electricians said “why don’t you just get the post moved?” Exactly.

These stupid wood posts are at best a temporary structural solution that I should fix, and I have been planning to (for years). They support beams that are undersized and sag, and they are not properly braced for earthquakes. But to fix them – which I absolutely should – I need to get the foundations replaced here… Which would involve tearing out all the work I just wrote about.


Dad always joked that the cobbler’s children go without shoes. This house has been a bit like that: We’ve been here for almost fifteen years, and I’ve barely done any seismic strengthening on the house. So I finally decided to pick the most vulnerable wall, and make it a bit better.

But first: Mole almost finished the photo wall… and did I mention she made a rainbow cover for her keyboard?

Oh, and with all the masks, mole perfected her mask strap technique: This allows her to hang it around her neck, or loop behind ears. Super easy on-and-off without the mask-beard that seems to be the vogue right now.

When Arwen isn’t relaxing on the couch…

… she’s decided that oatmeal is one of her favorite treats.

Bella found the new power position in the bedroom…

OK, the garage door: It’s been begging for some attention for decades, and I’d just been ignoring it. Too many other pressing things, and besides: Who looks at the front of our house??? (not me, obviously).

It took about a day to get the door sanded and prepared for painting. I decided to paint it, instead of staining it. Stain and polyurethane may be nice, but they don’t last as long as paint. And it’s a garage door. I’d rather not be doing this again soon.

It took a couple of coats of primer (the door is made of redwood).

I tried to match the rest of the house somewhat. Still need to paint the walls on the sides of the door (I also want to put a couple of lights up)…

Now to the project at hand: I took off the old random pieces of wood, shelves, etc to get down to the studs on this front wall. And I found some rather nasty surprise: Looks like some termites have been living here.

I drilled and installed all the anchor bolts, but had to pause on putting up the plywood until I could get a pest inspector to look at it.

He said it was old damage. But I soaked it all in wood preservative all the same (made the garage stink).

Hmm, it didn’t happen this quickly, but here I am putting up the last of the drywall.

The amount of electrical wiring in the ceiling is quite mind boggling. And I added to it by putting in an additional four way light switch so we can turn off the garage lights as we leave with bikes.

Don’t hire me to be your electrician, OK?

OK, now almost ready to start putting shelves and cabinets back in. Got to make them first, though.

Arwen has been really enjoying the overgrown back yard. The area she’s sitting in gets watered by our shower and bathroom sink, so it stays lush and green.

Bella prefers her cat tree – like everything, originally it belonged to everyone, but now it’s exclusively Bella’s: She rules the house like a despot.

Oh, and instead of the wire shelves, we now have a beautiful fancy wood cabinet with a full height mirror. The first time we’ve had a full height mirror since we lived at Rousseau St!

July fourth weekend this year we took a trip to Tahoe to escape the war zone fireworks on our street. The girls still hate the ride, even with their thunder shirts on.

You didn’t think this was going to be a vacation, did you? What’s that?

After we finished putting in a new water heater and fixing a pipe broken by freezing last winter, we were up scaffolding installing sheet metal over holes that woodpeckers had drilled into the house. Lesson learned: Get enough scaffolding to cover the whole wall. Then you only have to assemble and disassemble it all once (instead of four times).

We didn’t realize what we were making…

The girls really like the rock cabin – particularly the spiral stairs. They even got to go outside for some walks in the rocks.

I also managed to get a run up to the ridge trail in. This is lake Tahoe on the morning of July 4th (click on the image for a larger picture)

On the way home, Bella got a bit better at traveling, but it was still traumatic. I can’t decide if the fireworks, or four hours in the car, are worse for them: Might be a wash.

How d’you like our matching jerseys?

Watching ice melt is fascinating… for Arwen.


If you haven’t heard the term: “catification” is the process of making a house designed with only humans in mind into a more three dimensional space that allows cats to feel comfortable.

Ever since we moved downstairs, the girls have not been getting along very well. The space downstairs is comfortable from a human perspective, but for cats, being stuck on floor level is not optimal. Ideally, they need to be able to traverse around a room without even touching the floor: Hot lava!

So of course, I had to play them some rock music on my massive electric guitar:

No, that’s a shelf. The triangular piece is an offcut from my desk. Perfect to make the corners into better hangout spots. I painted it to match the walls, and put up a shelf I made about twenty years ago at Rousseau street.

Well, it’s a start. They can go from the air filter, up to the shelf, along the wall, and down the cat tree. The bedroom is slightly more catified.

Garden room: Finished!

Wow, another project that started out as a “quick” project is finished (two years later.) But it came out quite nicely.

A checklist all checked off: satisfying.

More recycled wood used on the window trim.

The only problem I had was I bought some different polyurethane by Minwax for the counter top and it’s garbage: It didn’t stick – and I only discovered it when I used tape to mask off the edges while I caulked the joint at the wall. The tape pulled the top layers of polyurethane off the wood! I had sanded between coats, even (and on the can it said that’s not required). Had to sand all the way down to the wood again to get rid of it. I’ll stick with Bona Mega from now on.

Arwen decided she needed to do some inspection when I was plumbing the sink faucet.

Here’s the faucet installed: I offset it to the right slightly, so it’s not in front of the window, and hopefully it makes the sink more convenient for cleaning the large 6.5 gallon carboys. It’s still the brewery room, right?

I also sanded, resized, and stained the old front door (that I’ve had leaning around in our garage for years) to close off the space from the garage. Had to also replace the acrylic glass windows because they were scratched and had been painted over.

Popo left behind a daybed/couch and it has also been sitting in our garage for years. We bought a cheap mattress at Ikea and I put it into the garden room. That’s mole’s bike on the trainer.

… and mole testing it out while I made the living room upstairs stinky (more on that later).

When I first started working on this space, I was thinking of it as potentially a cat-free space for visitors. Little did I realize, but when you live with cats, there’s no such thing as a “cat-free” space: They own the whole house.

Here’s Arwen checking under the day-bed: She’s not happy until she’s checked every square inch.

While mole was riding on the bike trainer, Arwen brought down her favorite wand toy for her.

And Bella just waits patiently on the stairs.

Oh, and here’s the sink in the toilet room, with the tile grouted and finished. Looks neat.

When we moved in (ten years ago!), our plan was to take out the carpets. But we’ve lived with them ever since. I recently decided to take them out: I’m convinced that all that wall-to-wall carpet is not good for air quality. As we took it out, we found that the underlayment had started to decompose, and left sticky red pieces all over the old floor surface, dropping them everywhere as I carried it out: Looked like dried cranberries, but definitely not as good. Lots of work scraping and scrubbing them off.

While tearing out the carpet, Arwen enjoyed the new furniture layout.

This is the old floor tile after we had removed all the old carpet and underlayment, pulled out the staples, scrubbed and cleaned it up and polished the tile. I damaged a lot of it back when I was working on the wiring for the lights downstairs.

So we covered it up with a rug.

This bit was still exposed, though. And Bella did not like it: She started picking at it and broke off part of a tile.

So I decided to replace the broken tiles with some cheap self-adhesive vinyl tile. It was a total pain getting the old tile off (had to use a heat gun). Yes, I’m certain this tile is “hot” (asbestos). Didn’t use protective gear: Hope I don’t regret it. Sometimes I’m just plain stupid lazy. Mole and the cats were downstairs hiding in the garden room.

Done (using the stool my godfather made for me as a weight to glue the corner of an old tile down).

“FEED US! (We are only going to look cute for 30 seconds, then we’re going to melt down and start fighting)”

We got a new rug for the bedroom.


“Helping” with my calculations at the office.

“I’m going to take a nap here, OK?”


Bella loves this box. We stuck eyes on the box – it comes alive when Bella gets inside it. One lesson I learned the hard way: Don’t stand near it – claws will fly out of the corners and grab toes. The robot has lightning-fast reflexes even through its eyes usually get pulled off or rearranged.

The box robot lives!

Nap time.

We volunteered for the AIDS/Lifecycle “day on the ride” in April: It’s a one day test ride for the people planning to do the week-long ride to LA in June. We’re not riding, so it was fun to dress up and help to staff rest stop one.

Trim and tile

I’m adding the finishing touches to the garden room. There was still some trim around doors, and baseboards to finish.

I really like the curved piece I came up with for the transition from tall baseboards around the foundation wall, to lower ones around the garden room (above).

Now all the trim in the back room is also finished.

I also put some shelves into that space to store things like bottles (this is going to be my brewery room, right?) I added removable fronts on the shelves so I don’t have a disaster of broken glass after the next earthquake, hopefully.


Arwen came down to inspect the garden room while I was working on the cabinet and counter top.

I sanded the old cabinet (from the kitchen on the ‘downstairs’ floor), and painted it.

Arwen likes tools, except power tools.

I’ve had trouble with the compression fit piping that’s commonly used under sinks. The plumbing book I have recommends the above alternative. It’s certainly easier to install, and seems quite a bit more sturdy, too.

Here are the cabinets after paint, and new handles. Also, I’ve installed the sink I got from building resources (the local recycler of building materials — construction is responsible for about half of all landfill). I’m going to put the faucet in after the tiling, and a few more coats of polyurethane on the counter.

My godfather sent me a cycling map of San Francisco, and I’ve finally found a good place for it. The garden/brewery room serves mainly as a workout room these days.

Getting started on the tile, I wanted to make it similar to the kitchen in Downton Abbey (white tile with small black squares). The photo above left was the more labor intensive option (I had to cut down the black tiles to about 1.5cm squares). Guess which one we went with.

Here’s the tile after it’s grouted. Not quite as extensive as Downton Abbey, but neither is the brewery room!

I also added a tile backsplash at the little sink in the toilet room.

I had to do some plumbing in the shower upstairs (hair clog!) and the girls both joined in to help:

The Freesia seem to love our back yard: They increase every year (whereas there are only a couple of daffodils left).

This back yard needs some inspiration: Big pile of rocks still there–volunteer Nasturtiums have covered them. Arwen is trying to figure out what to do about it all:

It was a rainy Friday, so Mole’s friday ride group got together to celebrate her birthday. And there was a trip to get vegan donuts, too.

And yesterday Mole’s mum made vegan apple pie for her birthday. It was a triumphant success. Everyone had seconds.

Here are Arwen and Bella pretending to be constellations.

This feels like progress

All of a sudden, work has slowed down a bit, so I’ve had some time to get things moving on the garden room.

I hadn’t quite finished putting the gypsum board on the wall here, because the stem wall bulged out at the base. So I used a concrete grinding wheel to grind it flush. Yes, brick foundations…

Above left is with the corner bead on and above right is after a couple of passes with joint compound.

Next is the project I’ve been procrastinating on for a few years. The window in the toilet room space is badly rotten. Plumbing pipes used to penetrate the wall directly above this window, and rainwater would run down the pipes and into the window. The upper sash has completely disintegrated, the lower one is too rotten to move, and the frame has rotted across the top and down one side. I went far enough to work out drawings and all the dimensions for the replacement window sash, but never made it. In retrospect, it would have probably been better to just buy a new complete replacement window. But this was an interesting challenge in joinery.

Here’s the wood I used: Old wood from the house some place.

Here I’m cutting some of the mortise and tenon joints. The joints at the bottom of the upper sash are a bit like finger joints.

I was quite happy with how it all fit together.

Above left is clamping during glue up. Above right is a detail at the connection of the center muntin to the top rail.

Here’s the fully assembled sash, with glass (don’t worry, I did not paint the sides where it slides.) I managed to save three of the original lites – the other was cracked so I had to use some new glass.

The window frame was also rotten, so I had to remove it and repair it too. It was at this point (after spending a full day making the new sash and another repairing the frame) that I was regretting not just buying a new window!

Well, here’s the window frame re-assembled and repaired (left), and weights and new cord going in. I had to buy two slightly heavier weights. Not sure if the new glass was slightly thicker and heavier, or if these windows were always slightly off balance before (would explain the nail holes in the frame). Anyway, they balance now!

After stripping the paint from the tracks, I waxed them, and hung both sashes in. Then primed and painted all the trim, and we have a completely repaired window. It’s the only remaining fully functioning double hung original window in the house. The previous owners had replaced all the other windows in the house before we bought it. Maybe it’s a good thing I saved it.

In the garden room, instead of veneer plaster, I’d decided to tape and use sandable joint compound. I probably was thinking it would be easier/faster/something than doing plastering. But it’s turned out to be very time consuming and messy. So I plastered the toilet room: One day and it’s done.

The toilet was a tricky space to plaster, because there are pipes sticking out of the wall. The photo above shows the gas pipe at the top left, and a water pipe in the middle.

Here’s how it looked as the plaster was drying the next day. I think I’m going to polish this little piece of pipe, and coat it with sealer.

Still working on the garden room. Here it is after sanding and feathering all the joints and screw locations. Note to self: Sanding overhead is much harder work than plastering.

Oh, and the guard railings for the deck: I stained them with a red-brown transparent stain to protect from UV – no paint. Here they are drying.

One of Bella’s favorite games is watch for water dripping

Mole was trying to dry her umbrella. I think the girls wanted us to turn on the shower.

Large bubble-wrap: fun with claws.

When your neighbor won’t lend you his truck: Tie it to your roof. The trusty ’82 Civic taking a chair to get re-upholstered.

England, the Garden, and Tile (plus kitties)

Well, one of the big things that happened last month is that I went to England with Misha. It was a short visit (the pictures are linked to a larger version).

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On the way up to Mum’s house on the first day, we walked through the farmers market – I got a bit turned around, and didn’t realize which street we were on and assumed it was really small this time of year (above left in front of the only vege stand we found on this street). Above right: “Changed Priorities Ahead” (hopefully they are enjoying themselves more).


We went back to the farmers market with mum – a bit late as everything was getting closed down for the day. We still got some yummy flapjacks, though.


We went on a long hike to the Woolpack (famous because the author Lorrie Lee used to love this pub), had a pint and some “chips”, then continued the hike up Swift hill. On the way up the hill, we came across paintings of badgers in many different costumes on the fence posts. There must have been over thirty paintings. They were painted as part of a protest against the “badger cull“.




The weather was quite warm (for February), but drizzled on the day of our hike. This is the view from the top of Swift hill, looking down over the Stroud valley toward the river Severn (off in the haze somewhere…)


Mum and Misha sitting at the top of Swift hill (just before Misha pulled out some energy bars to share). The snowdrops were all out – couldn’t help trying to catch a photo on the way down (above right).


Here I’m trying to take a selfie with the black sheep. Who isn’t a black sheep in some way?


The flash made their eyes glow. Kinda creepy?



We rented a very little house in Stroud to stay in for the week. Here’s Misha locking the front door. Yes, we did have to duck to walk in. Fortunately, the ceilings were a little higher!

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Above left: breakfast! Above right, a photo of Misha, Mia and me from about fifteen years ago. Maybe more.

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We also took a trip up to Manchester to visit a family friend (our second mum Jaya, from when we lived in a house filled with eleven children and three single mums). I’d not seen her for over ten years – Misha probably more than 20!

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Mum wanted us to break down a brick wall and do some hedge trimming while we were visiting. I refused to climb up a ladder on the sloping driveway to trim branches – so Misha did it!

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Above left is a photo outside mum’s house. Above right: Does this product name look appetizing to you (GΓΌ)?


One last photo before we took a train back to London.


Hmm, so I also did some tile work. Actually, I finally finished the tile on the floor in the laundry room. This is the hexagon tile, with some black tiles used to create patterns. Initially, I was planning to do a border in this room. Then we decided to just do the same patterns as the bathroom, and also something in the middle. And then I added an extra little circle at the center of each wall line. And then (see later)…


Above left, a detail of the pattern in the middle, and above right is one of the only cut edges (at the door).


Above is how I looked all day. My knees hurt.


Above left you can see why there was very little tile cutting. I could just continue the tile under the base boards, and didn’t need to finish them tight against the wall (actually, it’s much better not to, so there’s some expansion room).


It’s hard to see in the photo, but instead of cutting the baseboards both at 45 degrees at the corner, I have butted them together, and hand-cut one of them so that the piece on the left fits into the grooves on the piece on the right. This is the way it was always done before power saws, and actually results in a joint that is less likely to open as the wood expands and contracts. It’s much more work (of course).


Here’s the tile all in, and grouted. When I was installing the tile, I ran out of white tile (about half a square foot short), so tried adding even more patterns at the doorways with black tiles, so that I could stretch the remaining number of white tiles. In the end, I just had to buy more tile. Now it reminds me a bit of how some people’s tattoos look: Lots of different patterns strewn around. I think it’s about as permanent, too, because I can’t see myself wanting to do this again!

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Now the baseboards are all in, the floor is done. While I was putting the baseboards in, I stood on pieces of plywood because it’s a bit early to be walking on the tile (needs a week to cure). I’ll start painting next week.

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We had a few weeks of reprieve from the El Nino rains, so I rented a jack hammer and broke out more of the concrete in the back yard. Last year, the pear tree did very poorly in the location I’d put it (even though it did gallantly give us some fruit). The poor tree had almost no leaves, and was being crowded out by some aggressively drought tolerant plants. So I decided to move it. Hopefully the move doesn’t kill it, although the previous location would have anyway.

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Here’s after the concrete is all out, and I’ve added mulch. The pear tree used to be on the far left of the upper left photo. Now its at the far right of the same photo. More sun and space. Fingers crossed. Above right, you can see what remains of our peach tree after the tree-jumper incident. It blossomed this spring, and is looking very healthy right now, so I think it will recover.


Mole was taking photos, so I think the texture of the pile of broken concrete appealed to her…


Our garden grows nasturtiums!

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While I had the jack hammer, I also broke out some of the concrete in the room underneath the laundry room. We’re calling that room the ‘garden room’. I plan to make it into a place to brew beer πŸ˜‰ But there’s a bunch of plumbing sticking out of the concrete that I need to remove.


We didn’t get many crocuses this year – but here’s one!


Bella sometimes likes to climb inside my shirts (when they are clean)…


This time she fell asleep in it!


Here’s Arwen looking blissful on a blanket that Mole knitted specially for her!

cats! cats!! cats!!!

there was some mild outrage πŸ˜‰ at the lack of cat photos in the last post. i understand. and you don’t have to ask me twice, i have so many cat photos that never get shown!


mathew’s most recent catification. he took this cradle off the cat tree he made when the cats were babies. the cradle was at a lower level and never got used. now it’s up near the ceiling and they love it.


arwen enjoying the new perch. bella wondering how she can steal it from arwen.


it’s hard to know when they’re done loving a box. bella trying on my ALC sweatshirt.


a low-light photo of arwen. this is the face she gives when she wants something. usually food. sometimes she wants outside time. or a cuddle.


nap time.


arwen my cuddlebug. she is more cuddly when it’s cold. i call winter: cuddle season.


bella investigating my birthday donut. she decided it was disgusting. (plus chocolate is toxic to cats.) bella relaxing on her hand rail.


arwen “helping” with cutting out the pattern for my ALC red dress. bella in the sun. probably right after she kicked arwen out of this spot.


this is what it looks like right before a fight breaks out. bella is always trying to exert her dominance over arwen. plus bella eventually owns everything. she is the queen and we all live in bella-land.


more nap time. arwen on the left, bella on the right.


this is bella’s smelling face. πŸ™‚ she just sniffed the table. bella also tells us when things need cleaning.


arwen was very sweetly looking out the window with her paws on the windowsill. she often leans in when i take photos, so this is the shot i got. πŸ™‚


bella giving mathew a massage. or maybe just exerting her dominance. it’s hard to tell.

kauai 2014, finally!

so, it’s only taken me… FOUR months to post my photos from our family kauai trip.


about 2 weeks after returning from our france river boat cruise, my mom and i were on another plane together, this time with mathew, my dad and brothers.



we rented a beautiful house on the north side of the island, in princeville.


there was a spacious lanai and beautiful views.


we like to rent houses when we go on family vacations, so that we can cook our own meals and spend more time together. here’s my dad cooking breakfast.


it was extremely hot and humid while we were there. and it rained A LOT. my mom was wishing we could have just a little of that rain back home in california.


on our first full day in kauai we went snorkeling! for some reason i have no photos of us in snorkeling gear. it was a beautiful day at tunnels beach.


guess what?! even in kauai we have a cat! my parents called him “kitty”, justin and i called him “bacon.”


kitty/bacon was waiting outside for us every morning. this morning it was my mom’s birthday! i gave her a book i made of photos and memories from our france trip.


days before leaving for kauai mathew and i celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. for our honeymoon we stayed on the north shore of kauai and this was our semi-private beach across the street from our cottage.


it was semi-private because there was nowhere to park to visit the beach by car. as you can see, it still remains semi-private.



we went a little further around the island and hiked up to view ke’e beach.



hiking back down.


ke’e beach.




during our 3.5 week honeymoon mathew and i visited the “wishing well shave ice” truck almost every day! one this trip we only visited once.


for my mom’s birthday, i planned for us to go to a luau! here we are at smith’s tropical paradise.



too much food! πŸ˜‰


the show!

the next day i took no photos. because it rained a lot. basically any time there was water or sand i took no photos. one of these days “the kids” went kayaking.


and then the next day it was mathew’s birthday!

guess who was there taking a nap in the morning (above left.)


taking selfies at waimea canyon.


if you drive from the north shore, down and around to the other side of the island, you don’t meet up with the north shore again but you reach wai’ale’ale, which has the best dragonflies!


my family waiting for the clouds to clear to see the view. this reminds me of waiting to see the view from the marin headlands.



the clouds cleared!


more shave ice. not as good as wishing well but definitely more fun! and there’s wild life! (above right.)


that evening mathew and braved the mosquitoes to visit the beach near the house. beautiful and secluded.



the morning of our departure, kitty/bacon was there to greet us and say goodbye.


we thought he came around because of us, but maybe this was HIS hang out first.


our last view before the airport.


thanks mom and dad for a beautiful family vacation. xoxo