cats! cats!! cats!!!

there was some mild outrage 😉 at the lack of cat photos in the last post. i understand. and you don’t have to ask me twice, i have so many cat photos that never get shown!


mathew’s most recent catification. he took this cradle off the cat tree he made when the cats were babies. the cradle was at a lower level and never got used. now it’s up near the ceiling and they love it.


arwen enjoying the new perch. bella wondering how she can steal it from arwen.


it’s hard to know when they’re done loving a box. bella trying on my ALC sweatshirt.


a low-light photo of arwen. this is the face she gives when she wants something. usually food. sometimes she wants outside time. or a cuddle.


nap time.


arwen my cuddlebug. she is more cuddly when it’s cold. i call winter: cuddle season.


bella investigating my birthday donut. she decided it was disgusting. (plus chocolate is toxic to cats.) bella relaxing on her hand rail.


arwen “helping” with cutting out the pattern for my ALC red dress. bella in the sun. probably right after she kicked arwen out of this spot.


this is what it looks like right before a fight breaks out. bella is always trying to exert her dominance over arwen. plus bella eventually owns everything. she is the queen and we all live in bella-land.


more nap time. arwen on the left, bella on the right.


this is bella’s smelling face. 🙂 she just sniffed the table. bella also tells us when things need cleaning.


arwen was very sweetly looking out the window with her paws on the windowsill. she often leans in when i take photos, so this is the shot i got. 🙂


bella giving mathew a massage. or maybe just exerting her dominance. it’s hard to tell.