
I just realized that my thinking on electric cars changed dramatically over the last two years. Two years ago, we had to buy a new car, and at the time I was perfectly happy with buying another gas car. In fact, if it hadn’t been for mole’s veto, I’d have even bought a non-hybrid Honda Fit. At the time, my thinking was: Most electricity is generated by CO2 emitting technology (and I include Nuclear in that, because the mining, transportation, storage, safety backup systems, etc all rely on fossil fuel) – therefore it is more efficient to just use the energy source directly. Two years later and it feels almost absurd to think that someone now would go out and buy a vehicle that’s not electric. I was missing the point.

I think a few things have happened to push me that way:

  • One was the morning in September 2020 when we woke up to a burned, dark sky and no sun. This hit me at a much deeper emotional level than even Greta Thunberg’s speeches and Friday strikes, and left me feeling hopeless and depressed.
  • On top of this came the dramatic demonstration by Russia that reliance on fossil fuel is an ongoing security issue for the world. One despot in control of the oil-drug we rely on and we’re lost.
  • Talking to people who own electric cars it became clear that electric cars are so simple mechanically that they are inevitably more reliable and require much less maintenance.
  • And also the general noise and stink of internal combustion engines became very obvious after the brief hiatus we had from them during the pandemic.
  • And, and, and we got solar panels! I now see first hand the layers of self-serving inertia in our electricity monopoly. They cause delays to the installation, delays to allowing us to connect, and constantly (successfully) lobby the state regulator to reduce the amount they pay, even as they cause wildfires that burn down whole communities. But much of the inefficiency and weakness in the electric grid is that it relies on single point generation of electricity. Electricity is distributed over many miles to many different places, wasting energy for every mile it travels. Distributed solar could change that – in California the electricity could be mostly generated and stored near where it’s needed. The loss of one electric plant, or power line, could be negligible.

I think electric cars are most certainly not the answer to our environmental crisis. They do not address urban sprawl, or the massive waste of money and energy building huge roads. But they are so much better than gasoline cars, that I now compare them to the steam engine: Clever technology for the time, but now very dated.

It was a bit of a process to get solar installed: When the garage was dug out in the 1960’s, they put a post in front of the electric panel. This violates code, so the building inspector would not approve any work until it was moved. Besides, it was completely full with no available locations to connect the solar electric system. Contractors were so extremely busy that I could only get two bids – one of which I had to pay them for. And the prices were twice what the solar company had estimated for the cheaper bid. But now that it’s all installed, we’ve become obsessed with trying to time our electricity usage with the middle of the day when we make the most. Better to try to use it here than get pennies on the dollar from PG&E.

But I digress: I mentioned in the last post that I made a door and a new temporary wall. This door I made out of old wood that was wall paneling. The mistake I made on this door is that the two stiles (the thicker pieces on sides of the door) are too narrow to install a lock. Maybe I can find an old surface mounted lock.

But it looks nice, and now the bikes are completely hidden from view when the garage door is open.

I also got the new steel moment frame delivered. The main beam weighs over 800lb. I couldn’t figure out how to lift it off the truck: Even if we got four people, it would be over 200lb per person, and it’s very difficult to share that load among all those people. It would have been a disaster. Luckily Beronio – where I ordered the moment frame – agreed to have the frame delivered to them, then they drove it to my house on their truck that has a mobile forklift. Now it’s sitting in my garage, waiting for the next stage.

It rolled around quite nicely on a couple of moving dollies. I got it tucked in under my workbench, so it’s not too much in the way while I work.

Oh, but there’s still something else: The space where the new steel beam needs to go is a spaghetti jumble of wires. They all need to be moved.

So the last few weeks I have been identifying which circuit the wires belong to, and figuring out how to re-route them so that they don’t interfere with the new beam.

I’m going to have to repair a lot of floor joists that were notched by the previous owners.

I started removing the old siding in the space under the stairs. But I need to take these stairs out completely before I can get the rest of the siding off. I’ve been delaying on it though, because it’s been raining non-stop. I’ll need to build a temporary wall where the steps are right now, and maybe a temporary roof.

When mole and I were out walking, we saw this fun mural on someone’s garage door. Made me think of my brother!

And look at this security gate. Instead of an uglification of the house, as most of them are, it’s a piece of art. Even the vertical bars represent kelp. I love it so much.

How about this for public art sculpture? My nephew riding a sand dragon.

Oh, and when Misha was in town, we managed to get friends together to go for a run on one of my favorite trails.


One step back

I’m no zen master. For me, the end result is at least as satisfying as the process of getting there. With the house, I often find myself standing staring at some piece of work I’ve finished working on, just enjoying that it’s _done_ (and done right, hopefully).

It took quite a while for the plaque to be made. But I wanted to get a solid brass one, with raised lettering, not the cheap engraved plaques that are easy to make. I like that the cheeky grin remains (caused by rusting of the pin I originally put here).

So here’s some of the satisfaction of a completed project: Our neighbor enjoying the bench in memory of his son.

It’s been quite difficult for me to take a step back and undo a lot of the work I did over the past few years so that I can build the seismic strengthening at the front. This is something that I’d been procrastinating on, and with a comment from an electrician, realized that I needed to stop dancing around the edges and get into it. I put together structural drawings. I got them through the planning and building department. And I even got a bid on it: Wow! More than $0.25 million just for a small portion of it: I guess that means I need to do it.

I built a wall between the work area and the rest of the garage so that bikes would be hidden from view when the garage door is open. I also built a door – but that’s another post (maybe).

The problem I have is that to do this work, I need to tear out the workbench, the electrical work, the gyp board, the plywood – everything. All that satisfaction gone. And then I can get to digging a new foundation, and rebuild everything. Misha came to visit in October and sensed my hesitation so helped me get to tearing things apart.

The old window looking under the stairs. I plan to save this window and reuse it. It’s going to take a lot of repair to make it nice again. But I’ve done it before.

So a major hint that something has gone wrong is that the sill plate on this side of the building has crushed – this has dropped the height on this side of the house by about 2 inches. Maybe rot, maybe something else.

Here is a photo looking at the end of a piece of the wood taken out of the wall here. Any guesses who was living here?

Termites have almost completely eaten the sill plate, and left this behind. We found no termites, so this damage must have happened a long time ago.

It’s always fun to find things in hidden in the walls from a hundred years ago: Japalac (laquer), a picture for Sperry’s flour, someone’s painting of flowers.

And we tore out the gyp board on the ceiling, and the insulation too. Insulation is such nasty stuff – can’t we come up with something that’s not hazardous? We rolled it up tightly and stuffed it in plastic bags for re-use. Whoever did the electrical work really made a mess of these floor joists: It’s not okay to chop into the bottom of joists to fit conduit in there. Bad electrician.

Cleanup time! OK, turtle got a jump start.