lemons + tile

saturday was spent doing office work.

sunday was spent with lemons and tile.

lemon treelemon tree

the lemons needed picking and the tree needed pruning.

mathewlemon tree

it was a beautiful morning to be outside. hopefully the tree doesn’t react badly to the extreme pruning.


most of the lemons look like lemons, but some have been disfigured by a winter citrus pest. from what i’ve read, the pest isn’t inside the fruit, it affects the stem as the fruit is growing and alters it’s appearance.


strange and beautiful.


lemons anyone? we’ve got 3 big boxes (of normal lemons.) we gave some to our neighbors who invited us in for short visits. one of our neighbors is rosa, she’s 96 years old, funny and feisty! we left one box of lemons on our front steps for people to help themselves. it was gone within hours.


in the afternoon and evening: tile work.


and more tile.

a couple of sickies

for the record: i don’t think i got mathew sick. i’ve got this 2-week cold that’s going around and he might have a stomach flu. one good thing about being sick in this house though… an endless supply of lemons for hot lemon & honey. (lemons shown on a mathew designed/built bench.)


i think getting sick might have been good for mathew. he’d been working so much and stressed out all the time. now he’s catching up on sleep, getting 12+ hours a night/day.


but it still hasn’t kept him from working on the house.


snackshrink wrap

because i haven’t had very many pretty pictures to post recently, i thought i’d share one of a snack i had last week. (i guess it’s not technically pretty, but it brings back fond memories…)(yes, larry, they’re vegan!) (right) here i am in my office, shrink wrapping the (cheap, single-pane) windows with a plastic film to seal out drafts. one day they’ll be replaced.

windowvent fan

we spent a lot of the weekend winterizing and preparing for the upcoming rain by painting, sealing and caulking around the windows upstairs. rain is predicted for at least the next 10 days! (right) the cute little bathroom vent hood that mathew installed on the roof last weekend.


an early evening moon photo taken by mathew while freezing on the roof. (right) the upstairs bathroom is on the verge of greatness… ready for plaster, tile, flooring, wainscoting, a custom-made vanity, a sink, shower, toilet, medicine cabinet, light fixtures and switches…


except for last weekend’s window detour, the bedroom is almost ready for paint! here mathew is taping and skim-coating the ceiling.

have a good week everyone. stay warm and dry!

no glamour shots here

it was a weekend of hard work with little to show for it…



a while back mathew had cut holes in the downstairs closet wall for running pipe and electrical wires upstairs from the garage. now it was time to close them up. i attached wood to the right side stud so the drywall would have something to attach to. i added insulation, then cut and screwed on the drywall. next will be plaster and probably something to hide that unsightly sewer pipe.


vent shaftvent fan

meanwhile, mathew was upstairs cutting more holes in the ceiling… this time for a vent fan in the bathroom. (i should have him take some exterior shots, there’s a cute little vent hood up on the roof now.)

sunday’s activities took a slight detour…


during the last big storm mathew noticed that the upstairs bedroom window was leaking. since there’s no rain in the forecast for at least a week, we decided to check out the damage. this included removing the window, tearing off the window frame and (sadly) destroying part of mathew’s first plastered wall.


what we found was not good. rotten wood and fungus (ick.) someone had installed this window not too long ago, but had done it so incorrectly that water was seeping into the window frame and wall and getting trapped. with time running out in the day, we decided to treat and replace as much of the rotten wood as possible and come back and replace all of it including the stud and window at a later date.

this unscheduled activity took up our entire sunday. i spent the day sanding and sealing old and new wood and mathew spent the day laboriously hanging out the window attaching, planing, sanding and painting things.

drill curl repsbathroom

(left) here i am demonstrating the home remodeling bicep drill curl. start with 3 sets of five reps, increase as you build up strength. (right) the bathroom is almost ready for tile! (currently the cement board makes it look like a prison cell…)

working house guests

it’s amazing how much more you can get done with 2 extra people!


on sunday morning najia couldn’t wait to get started on the entry floor. linoleum tiles were stuck down with adhesive; peeling them up with a scraper was tedious, but the heat gun sped up the process.



justin cut and installed drywall upstairs where the refrigerator will go, and put up insulation and moisture-barrier paper in the bathroom.

sparkscement board

mathew put up blocking (horizontal wood pieces between studs) for the shower doors to attach to and made some cool sparks grinding off nails. after lunch justin, najia and i moved cement board (HEAVY) up 2 flights of stairs from the garage.

cement boardtruck

(left) tired work monkeys. (right) a (tiny) toy truck found during the remodel. it’s helping to move some cellulose insulation…

justin and najia

we’re so grateful to justin and najia for sacrificing their weekend to help us work on the house. with them we made lots of progress and had fun talking and catching-up during meals. thank you so much to both of you! come again, any time…

cement boardcement board

before and after dinner, mathew and i installed cement board on the bathroom walls. it is mold resistant and goes up before the tile. it is cut by scoring with a special carbide tip knife then snapped over a piece of wood.

cement boardcement board

drill bit

the cement board is heavy. it’s hard to cut and hard to drill. two screwdriver bits were destroyed in the process. (it’s dust is also carcinogenic so masks were worn during the installation, although, for some reason… not in these photos.)

hope everyone has a good week!

an electrically charged day

saturday was all about electricity.


the crazy, stormy weather continued from friday, mathew installed 3 electrical outlets upstairs, and my brother, justin and his wife, najia helped with deciphering the house’s entire electrical system.

floorplansfloorplan 1

floorplan 2floorplan garage

justin and najia started by creating floorplans of each level of the house and mapping out every electrical outlet and light fixture. then using our cordless phones as walkie-talkies they systematically turned off each circuit to find out which outlets and lights were connected to each circuit. they found that of the 25 circuits, #5 was used heavily throughout the house with a random light usage of #11,12,13 and 14. mathew’s new outlets use #16 but the rest of the circuits are completely unused. this is incredibly valuable info and mathew hopes to sit down with uncle ken (electrician) to find out the best way to rewire the house.


we also had a visit from my parents, uncle gilbert and auntie pauline. and i worked on installing more (yes, more!) insulation.

and now for something completely different

every thursday night we have dance lessons with brandee at the metronome. last night we had the lesson in our kitchen!



it’s a crazy, blustery, stormy friday. our neighbor’s avocado tree (it’s more like a giant bush) is taller than our house and i’m worried it’s going to blow over! the poor lemons are getting thrown from our tree. hope everyone has a warm, dry and safe weekend.

a merry christmas

compostablesshower plumbing

last weekend we worked on the house but didn’t have many photos to show for it. (left) my box of nail, paint and adhesive-free solid wood to go in the compost bin, old pieces from the house that are too small (or too strange) to be reused. (right) the plumbing temp valve for the shower upstairs. [turtle: ok, so we spoke too soon, there still is more plumbing.]


we baked cookies for our neighbors on christmas eve.


my family came over in the morning to celebrate christmas. it was a nice gathering with lots of cookies, coffee and pizza. afterwards we went to the big extended celebration with my mom’s family.

hope everyone had a warm and peaceful christmas and hanukkah.

“That’ll do pig, that’ll do.”

did you ever see that movie “babe”? it’s what the farmer says to the pig when he’s learning new skills. mathew keeps saying this to me when i finish a house project…

weather stripweather strip

yesterday mathew took the day off to work on the house. he helped me install this fancy weather strip on the downstairs kitchen door. it springs up when the door is opened and pushes down when closed to keep out drafts (with the help of a little knob attached to the doorframe. cool!) sure beats the rolled up towel i had been using.

“That’ll do pig, that’ll do.”

no more plumbing!

 we’re making progress! but i think we’re the only ones who can tell.

more solderingdishwasher

today we finished all the rough plumbing for the upstairs bathroom and kitchen. yay!! (above left) mathew tried out the downstairs dishwasher for the first time. and it worked! from the looks of it, the dishwasher had never been used (there was an operating instructions sticker still stuck on the inside…)

hole in the walljaneen

i removed all the plaster and wood from this wall. previous owners had cut the middle stud (!?) so i replaced it. it looks like i’ve just stuck a new piece of wood there, but it usually involves precise measurements, custom fitting, cutting and chiseling.


after all the plumbing was done we tested the pipes by turning the water back on. thick grey water came out (ewww) a mixture of flux, oxidized copper and white bread. no leaks! after the test we added foam pipe insulation and finally put the subfloor back.

tired but happy. hope everyone had a nice weekend.