an electrically charged day

saturday was all about electricity.


the crazy, stormy weather continued from friday, mathew installed 3 electrical outlets upstairs, and my brother, justin and his wife, najia helped with deciphering the house’s entire electrical system.

floorplansfloorplan 1

floorplan 2floorplan garage

justin and najia started by creating floorplans of each level of the house and mapping out every electrical outlet and light fixture. then using our cordless phones as walkie-talkies they systematically turned off each circuit to find out which outlets and lights were connected to each circuit. they found that of the 25 circuits, #5 was used heavily throughout the house with a random light usage of #11,12,13 and 14. mathew’s new outlets use #16 but the rest of the circuits are completely unused. this is incredibly valuable info and mathew hopes to sit down with uncle ken (electrician) to find out the best way to rewire the house.


we also had a visit from my parents, uncle gilbert and auntie pauline. and i worked on installing more (yes, more!) insulation.