enjoying our city

when we have house guests we usually manage to take a little time off and enjoy our beautiful city. this is what last week looked like.


mathew’s godfather sebastian and his wife eva were visiting from scotland. we showed them our neighborhood and lots of our local murals.


we braved a windy evening (crazy weather, we’d had a heat wave the day before!) and walked to cafe gratitude for dinner.


the following day we saw more murals and spent some time in shops downtown. the guys bought suits (sebastian needed one for a wedding and mathew took advantage of the “buy 2” discount.) we had lunch and drinks at blue bottle coffee.


we took the bus to the new and very popular california academy of sciences in golden gate park. (a building that mathew’s company, arup engineered.) sebastian is an architect and was an influence in mathew’s decision to major in architecture/engineering, so of course there were lots of conversations about architecture and engineering.


there was so much to see and we got there 90 minutes before closing. i’m looking forward to returning and seeing everything we missed. after the academy of sciences we took a walk through the botanical garden then enjoyed dinner at a really excellent chinese restaurant, san tung (and i don’t normally like chinese food!)


we’re so glad sebastian and eva took the time to come and visit us and our city. it was so unusual to see them relaxed, on vacation and somewhere other than scotland. we had a great time with them and hope they can visit again in the future.

on wednesday morning my “little sister” elissa arrived just as sebastian and eva were leaving. catching up was first on the agenda, we talked for 6 or 7 hours straight! i used to babysit elissa and her sisters in palo alto. even though the family moved to washington state, her family and i have stayed close after all these years.


our neighborhood is full of murals, they cover walls, fences, buildings, alleys and interiors, even ceilings…


later in the week i introduced elissa to philz coffee (a very local addiction) and my favorite sandwich shop, jay’s cheesesteak.


after dinner we explored the local shops and found a block party in progress on balmy alley (just parallel to our street.) the murals looked amazing in this light and live music played till 11pm.


(left) having fun in elissa’s new favorite “no-name, no-mirrors” clothing store. (right) enjoying a vegan dinner at golden era.

elissa is a painter and hopes to attend the san francisco art institute in january. i really hope she gets in. she wants to live in our neighborhood and i can’t wait to spend more time with her!

test run

there was a heat wave last weekend and we thought my parents deserved a weekend off. so mathew and i avoided the heat and spent saturday down in the garage stripping paint, sanding, staining and polyurethaning doors.


(left) mathew staining the downstairs bathroom door. (right) yet another door that i paint stripped. i think this one will go on the downstairs bedroom. or is it the closet?


(left) original 1914 hinges that mathew stripped and cleaned with a heat gun. it’s magical that something so pretty is hiding under all those years of white paint. (right) mathew painting the hinges and screws with black enamel. i find the process humorous. mathew uses an old 2-by-4 with lots of random leftover holes to hold the screws while he paints their heads. it’s funny because it’s a long 2-by-4 and the screws are placed randomly throughout it, individually and in clumps. maybe it’s not that funny… guess you’d have to be there, reminds me of badly planted trees.


besides my grandmother moving in, we had an even more pressing deadline: more house guests! mathew’s godfather sebastian and his wife eva were visiting from scotland and we wanted to have the downstairs bedroom and bathroom ready for them on monday. we worked late sunday night installing the toilet, sink, faucet, vanity top, lights, window privacy film, temporary medicine cabinet, sealing the shower grout, adjusting the shower door, hanging curtains, towel and t.p. bars… phew! we got it done and our guests got to do a test run for us.

all kinds of progress


(left) on saturday my mom replaced the missing carpet tack strips in the bedroom. (right) while i stripped door paint in the garage. mathew and my dad went to pick up wood trim and a new marble vanity top.


it’s funny, while working on the house, building materials often remind us of food, usually desserts, chocolate, frosting, ice cream, etc. (left) as i was stripping paint it would come off in bunched up, wrinkled piles. (right) they looked a lot like pale cadbury flake bars from england. except ours are crunchy and lead flavored!


meanwhile upstairs (left) my mom sanded the wainscoting while (right) my dad cut and installed carpet padding in the bedroom.


(left) mathew cut and installed the baseboards in and around the closets and added new door trim. it doesn’t match our original 95 year-old trim but it’s similar enough and mathew enjoyed how easy it was to cut and install. (right) on sunday morning mathew and i installed carpet in the bedroom. this carpet was previously in the living room, it was in really good condition so we held onto it and since it was larger than this bedroom we were able to reuse it. my grandmother doesn’t like carpet, she has trouble walking on it. but she’s mentioned falling out of bed once or twice and she likes to watch tv really LOUDLY so we’re hoping the carpet softens things.


first we laid out the whole carpet and pieced together the closets. using a rented carpet stretcher and knee kicker mathew attached it to the carpet tacks around the perimeter of the room. we used a self-adhesive fiberglass tape for seams and joins, we hope it holds things together! ideally you should use heat-activated seam tape but our local store didn’t carry it.


(left) my dad prepped and plastered this strip of wall near the kitchen entrance. (right) my mom continued sanding wainscotting.


(left) my dad brought his carpet cleaner and cleaned the entire carpet until it looked brand new. (right) mathew created a plywood top for the bathroom vanity that will hold the sink and marble top.


how the carpet and bedroom looks now.


the kitchen cabinets with handles.


and the filming continues next door and in our driveway… mathew talked to our neighbor last night and found out that it’s not a rap video but a “documentary” about him. the film is being made by british film students and will be shown in november at a london film festival. (above) after it got dark they had a generator powering a bright light shining into our neighbor’s bedroom; this went on for a few hours. the light was to simulate the sun shining as our neighbor is waking up in the morning. funny documentary, filming morning at night… where the sun usually rises on the other side of the house…

the most popular driveway

i often talk about how everyone loves to park in our driveway. it might be the only real driveway on the block. in a neighborhood with lots of shops, restaurants and too many cars, i understand its appeal and convenience. it holds two cars and it’s nice to sit on the front steps…


but yesterday we had a crew in our driveway filming a music video! no one asked us for permission or worked with our schedule. luckily we didn’t need to go anywhere with the car and they were so quiet i never would have known anything unusual was happening out there. our neighbor is a rapper. maybe this happens all the time and i’ve never noticed!

a kitchen transformation

reirin leo evamisha leo

it’s been a very bittleston couple of weeks. misha and aja were visiting. (left) on thursday reirin picked leonora and evamarie up from the airport on their way home from panama; they stopped by for a short visit. (right) misha gets a big hug from leo.


on saturday i painted pink plaster weld on the long kitchen wall and sanded the cabinet doors and gave them another coat of paint. i can’t remember what mathew worked on that day… electrical stuff? but i did get photos of him as he discovered the joys of chipping paint off the kitchen wall. suddenly he understood why i couldn’t stop chipping away at the bedroom walls.


on sunday my parents came over to help. (left) my dad removed the wallpaper above the cabinets while my mom (right) painted primer on the wall and i painted pink plaster weld  on another wall.


it’s been a while since we’ve all worked in one room together. mathew thought it was funny that my dad was telling jokes all day. (left) the long kitchen wall before plaster. (right) mathew begins the plaster.


(left) next my dad worked on removing the wall paper on the ceiling at the entrance to the kitchen. (right) my mom and i re-attached the cabinet doors then drilled holes for the new handles.


(left) mathew tried to get away with only one coat of plaster but realized there’s a reason for the two coats.


(left) later that night i applied plaster washers and mesh fiber tape were my dad had removed the wall paper, it is now ready for plaster. (right) the cabinets with their new handles.

a colorful weekend

last weekend was labor day weekend. and how did we celebrate? with a house full of people and plenty of labor!


saturday morning started with quiet picture rail filling and trim masking.


(left) then the plastic door went up and mathew started painting the walls. (right) mathew’s brother misha is visiting from new york! he put his clothes on inside out and helped with painting.


(left) i spent the entire day painting kitchen cabinet doors in the garage. when the sprayer noise finally stopped i ventured upstairs for a peek. i was shocked by how pink just the reflection of the wall color was. and when i walked into the room it was PINK. it’s actually darker than the photo (if you can believe it.) my grandmother loves pink. last year we painted the living room a very pale “i love you” pink. the plan was to paint her bedroom a slightly darker “valentine’s day” pink, but for some (insane) reason we decided to be bold and paint two walls “pretty pink.” my parents say that my grandmother painted a house this color years ago… we hope she likes it..!


misha’s friend aja is also staying with us and she’s a personal chef! so, you guessed it, we’ve been eating yummy food. we appreciate her sunny presence and patience while misha helps us and we work late into the night.


on sunday my parents arrived. my mom was raving about the new cabinet color and wondering if they needed sunglasses in the pink room.


(left) my dad sanding the wood surface in the built in hall cabinet. (right) mathew priming the picture rails.


(left) while laughing uncontrollably i took this photo of my mom, amazed at her dedication to the project. i certainly hope no one will ever lie down and check to see if the underside of the swivel cabinet door is painted, but if they do, they will be impressed. (right) painting the cabinet doors with a roller and latex paint (instead of oil paint and a brush) makes the project fly by! i even felt a little guilty for keeping this fun and easy project all to myself.


(left) my dad admiring our new porch lamp. (right) here i am painting my “sistine cabinet.” it was now my mom’s turn to laugh at me.


(left) misha, back with inside-out clothing to give the cabinets a second coat. (right) mathew cleaning the shower tile, prepping it for grout sealer. another late night.


(left) monday morning. my mom, up a ladder painting picture rails with semi-gloss. (right) my dad touching up trim paint while enjoying a cool breeze.


(left) mathew and my mom attaching the bathroom vanity door after it has been painted. (right) misha and mathew carefully moving the (HEAVY) glass shower walls and door up from the garage.


(left) my mom chipping away at thick ugly grout where it shouldn’t have been. (right) here i am continuing the painting of the picture rails where my mom left off.


(left) misha installing the window hardware. (right) mathew and the completed shower enclosure. it was another late night. i was in the garage giving the cabinet doors a second coat and then stripping paint off the bathroom door. for the first time in the two years since we’ve been working on this house, mathew came down to tell me he was done for the night while i continued working.

i hope everyone had a nice long labor day weekend!

another busy weekend


my mom was painting. my dad was filling and painting.


mathew was stripping trim, prepping for paint and i was up on my ladder finishing the picture rail prep.


filling. sanding.


sanding. sanding. sanding.


painting. painting.


before paint.


(left) mathew sealing himself into the room with the paint sprayer. it’s a smelly noisy process but so much faster than brushes and rollers. mathew sprayed the entire room with primer and the following day he sprayed the trim with semi gloss paint. (right) after paint.


as nice as the trim looks in natural wood, it would take a lot more time to prep and polyurethane it to make it look really nice. so everything is white again, but this time it’s clean and smooth and lead-free.

2 years, today

today is mathew’s mum’s birthday, happy birthday sue! (well, technically, it’s no longer the 24th in england but it’s still her birthday in california for another 6 hours.)

it’s also the anniversary of the day we bought this house and it marks two years that we’ve been remodeling/restoring this victorian!

i was going to create a before and after gallery but i realized it’s going to take a lot more time to look through all the photos from the last two years. so you’ll just have to wait for that. in the mean time here is what happened this last weekend.


on friday mathew started installing the floor in the downstairs bathroom. first the water barrier paper, then the cedar border with walnut feature border.


the flooring continued on saturday. (left) mathew used MY technique for cutting holes into multiple pieces of tongue and grooved wood! (right) here’s a tricky bit near the shower base, a corner going around the border and a narrower strip.


(left) here mathew is showing how he used the router to cut the wood to fit around the corner (i’m sure there’s something more technical he’d like to explain but i don’t know what it is!) (right) fitting and nailing the last piece! it gave him pain when the router ate the edge of the wood but it was the last good piece of cedar he had so he had to make it work and filled it later.


there were 3 holes that the previous owners drilled in the bottom of the bathroom vanity for the plumbing (odd, shouldn’t the plumbing have come through the wall and the opening at the back of the vanity?) i drilled wood circles to fit the holes then attached them with glue and screws to a piece of wood on the underside and filled them with filler.


(left) my dad filling the holes where the old kitchen cabinet handles were. (right) my mom cleaning the cabinet. mathew kept walking in wondering if the music was bothering her. i thought it it was funny how she mentally tuned out the led zeppelin and billy idol that kfog was subjecting her to!


downstairs my dad sanded the cabinet doors and then painted them with oil based primer. normally we use water/latex based paint but mathew bought oil based primer this time because he was worried about the paint sticking well to the old cabinet doors.


(left) “mathew’s learn-by-doing home remodeling school” introduced my mom to the power sander. (right) and i spent practically all of sunday up on my ladder chipping away paint from the picture rail.


this is what i’ve been spending hours chipping away at. (left) gloopy with years of paint and filler. (right) i couldn’t take a photo that really showed what this looked like. the raised bits are metallic gold and the background is a gradation from medium blue to a light teal blue. we’ll be repainting this white but it’s fun to see what it originally looked like and the details will be a lot sharper once painted again. plus the groove at the top of the picture rail has now been cleaned out so it will be ready to hold pictures soon.


(left) here are my filled holes at the bottom of the vanity. (right) and here my mom is becoming a pro at the power sanding, sanding the filler and surface smooth. when she and my dad work on their rental property remodels they usually sand by hand so she was amazed by how fast the power sander could finish in minutes what might normally take hours.


after my parents left we proceeded to poison the air. (left) mathew stripping a closet door frame. (right) while i stripped baseboards.


how the bathroom cedar floor looks after 3 coats of poly.

fast flying weeks

how is it already saturday and i haven’t created a post for last weekend?


(left) this is what mathew’s thursday night looked like. (right) this is friday morning.


(left) at first we’re always amazed by how great the plaster instantly looks after weeks of cracked plaster, plaster washers and mesh tape. and then we immediately forget how bad it used to look and we take it for granted as just another wall. remember all the hours spent chipping paint, steaming wall paper, attaching plaster washers, mesh tape and plaster weld paint? (right) mathew demonstrating how smooth and reflective this plaster is. he says this was the most satisfying wall in this room. or maybe he said it was the most satisfying wall of his entire plaster career.


(left) saturday, the last wall to plaster, it gave him some pain. even though i think he’s really skilled with the plaster, there’s still more to learn.

i visited my grandmother with my parents that afternoon. she has been in a really good mood lately. my mom thinks she’s happy about having decided she will live with us,… again. but i still wonder if she will change her mind,… again.

(right) picture rail i’m stripping by chipping the paint with a putty knife. i’ve found that this is the best way to preserve the trim with all of its victorian details. the heat gun seems to melt the details right off and chemical stripping is just plain gross and evil. i should take some close up photos so you can see what i’m staring at for hours at a time…


on sunday my parents came by to help. they’ve decided to devote their weekends to the house until it’s done. since they are both retired they say they can work hard for two days then rest for five. (left) my dad is removing all of the kitchen cabinet doors and labeling them so we know which ones go where. (right) my mom and i are putting one more coat of paint on the bathroom ceiling, walls and wainscotting. although we look like we’re just standing around talking…


(left) mathew’s sister eva dropped by to help too! she walked in sipping a fragrant mug of philz coffee (an extremely popular coffee shop nearby.) she has just moved back to california from minnesota. we’re happy to have her help and we’re happy to have her back in the bay area! here she is sanding the old vanity drawers that will be repainted and put back into the bathroom. (right) my dad happily cleaning dozens and dozens of kitchen cabinet doors, removing years of someone else’s cooking grease.


(left) when mathew wasn’t taking photos or managing all of our projects he was running up and down between the garage and bedroom to re-fit the window trim to the new window. (right) eva in the garage priming the vanity after sanding it.


(left) my mom sweeping up little bits of paint that i keep making as i chip away layers on the picture rail. (right) mathew’s window trim in place. it was a bit tricky because the new window is slightly different in size than the old one, so replacing the trim involved some piecing and extending. this trim has been paint stripped with a heat gun and will be sanded and painted again.

i’ll do my best to get this weekend’s post up before next weekend rolls around!

hope everyone is having a good summer.

san francisco, sonoma, guerneville and rio nido

in a last final push to finish the downstairs, mathew has been working 4 days a week in the office and fridays at home on the house.


the downstairs bedroom wall (left) before plaster, (right) after plaster.


later that day we took a road trip 1) to sonoma for a client meeting i had, then 2) to guerneville to check into a bed & breakfast. the sonoma orchid inn was a nice home away from home.


as soon as we got there we took a short walk across the street, past a vineyard and sat by the russian river.


(left) mathew couldn’t resist picking blackberries along the path. (right) relaxing in the b&b living room. we were served delicious breakfasts each morning and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies were always available in the kitchen.


(left) on saturday morning we decided to kayak for a few hours down the russian river. the water was incredibly calm and we were surrounded by dragonflies, birds and trees. (right) that afternoon we attending a BBQ hosted by our friends bob and irene. this is their cabin in rio nido (about a mile from our b&b.)


it was a great party where we were surrounded by fabulous food, friendly conversations and beautiful redwoods. we stayed late into the night. (unfortunately i did not bring my camera so you’ll just have to imagine: lights strung overhead, music, extravagant food, paul frank bike rides, bees, mosquitoes, laughter…)


oh, wait! thomas took some photos (above) mathew enjoying a beer. (right) a late night visit to the playhouse on the hill.

on sunday we drove back over the golden gate bridge, were greeted by a small patch of fog, tons of tourists and then the strong sun and heat of a very un-sanfrancisco summer day (we’ve been having a lot of those this summer.)



mathew couldn’t wait to get home and plaster one more wall that afternoon.