there was a heat wave last weekend and we thought my parents deserved a weekend off. so mathew and i avoided the heat and spent saturday down in the garage stripping paint, sanding, staining and polyurethaning doors.
(left) mathew staining the downstairs bathroom door. (right) yet another door that i paint stripped. i think this one will go on the downstairs bedroom. or is it the closet?
(left) original 1914 hinges that mathew stripped and cleaned with a heat gun. it’s magical that something so pretty is hiding under all those years of white paint. (right) mathew painting the hinges and screws with black enamel. i find the process humorous. mathew uses an old 2-by-4 with lots of random leftover holes to hold the screws while he paints their heads. it’s funny because it’s a long 2-by-4 and the screws are placed randomly throughout it, individually and in clumps. maybe it’s not that funny… guess you’d have to be there, reminds me of badly planted trees.
besides my grandmother moving in, we had an even more pressing deadline: more house guests! mathew’s godfather sebastian and his wife eva were visiting from scotland and we wanted to have the downstairs bedroom and bathroom ready for them on monday. we worked late sunday night installing the toilet, sink, faucet, vanity top, lights, window privacy film, temporary medicine cabinet, sealing the shower grout, adjusting the shower door, hanging curtains, towel and t.p. bars… phew! we got it done and our guests got to do a test run for us.