[the blog software is up and running again so here are those photos…]
last week we had the carpets cleaned upstairs. they were pretty disgusting with lots of stains from the previous owners, eventually we’ll replace them with bamboo floors, but until then we need them cleaned before we move upstairs. i am allergic to perfumes and chemicals so we decided to use the earth-friendly, san francisco based, healthy choice carpet cleaners. they only use non-toxic cleaners (made from grapefruit seed extract) and their truck is run on eco-fuel. they did a great job and it only took an hour and the carpets were completely dry the next day.
we started moving upstairs on friday and continued during the weekend. it was the shortest move mathew and i have ever made! but the most difficult thing was the box spring. the hallway and stairs leading up to the bedroom are tight so we had to move the box spring through the back door and up the exterior staircase. we tied ropes around it so we’d have something to hold onto. i wish we’d gotten photos because it must have been a sight, i was on the bottom holding the queen sized box spring above my head while mathew stood several steps up holding onto the rope handles. the box spring made it up safely with hardly a scratch and none of us fell over the low hand rails!
this makes me wonder… my parents have given me their piano from my childhood. i think to move it upstairs we might have to remove a window and hire a crane to lift it up to the 3rd level! is it worth it?
on sunday when i finished moving in our clothes, i started cleaning the kitchen upstairs (left: pieces of the san francisco chronicle that i found from thursday, june 22, 1972) mathew worked downstairs cleaning the bedroom and repairing the shower and sink in the bathroom, among other projects. until we get the living room completely painted, our bedroom will also double as our living space. and eventually we’ll have closets, cabinets and shelves built into the walls. but it’s nice to finally be moving into our house.