I’m about half done with the hallway, I think.
I took out the winders at the bottom of the stairs, and opened up the wall to reveal space for a coat closet.
I put a landing instead of the top winder, and the stairs will extend into the hallway three steps.
I had to cut into the floor dad I and installed ten years ago. But I tried to do it carefully so that I don’t have to refinish the whole thing…

A small detour: The microwave suddenly stopped working. Well, that’s what we thought at first, but actually the receptacle (that I installed) stopped working. Turned out there was a loose wire (!!!!) – and the only way to access it was behind the dishwasher. Not sure why, but it seems common that junction boxes end up behind dishwashers:

The second photo is my brother dealing with an electrical issue behind his dishwasher… Next time I build a kitchen, no junction boxes of any kind behind dishwashers: They are painful to remove and put back (power, water and waste have to be disconnected and reconnected.)

Ahhh, but here’s the floor fixed, and the stairs roughed in. I’ve also put some gypsum board (drywall) in the closet.
Every closet needs a light: This one gets a light and a plug.
Just about finished with taping. I’m just going to skim coat the closet, instead of plastering.

When we painted the front stairs, we didn’t get around to putting the second coat of paint on. So it didn’t last well. I’m putting a few coats of paint on before the rain starts…

Simultaneously.. (disobeying my cardinal rule of remodeling: One project at a time!) We tore out the fugly built-in closets in the upstairs bedroom.
Not sure how many stages they were built in, but they were a rather scary mixture of incredibly flimsy and hugely overbuilt. Some parts I’d pull out a nail, and it would come crashing down. Others it would take hours and scores of nails and screws. We filled half an empty paint can with nails, just from this.

I think this is some of the original wallpaper.

Looks like there is some plaster repair to do…