ALC day 2

on the ALC ride, today is their century day, 108 miles from santa cruz to king city. mathew said it was a challenging ride but he made it into camp around 3:30 and they told him he was #120 out of 2400+ riders!


mathew sent me this photo and said, “The cookie lady (and her mom). They even made vegan cookies. Yummy.” 🙂

since i haven’t really been getting photo updates from mathew, i’ve been pretty addicted to checking out what other people are posting:
looked like day 2 was pretty crazy and colorful. 🙂


and luckily i’ve got friends on the inside. stef posted this photo, she and her sister, nancy are lunch roadies. yay! mathew looks HAPPY!


this photo was posted on facebook by gino. tired happy riders and roadies in camp at king city.