what a weekend.
we woke up thursday morning to find out that my dad had been checked into hospital after having a heart attack and a stroke. he is now out of hospital and recovering well. all my siblings are in town; misha flew in from new york, mia from england, eva from minnesota, and leo from berkeley. it’s been great having misha stay with us and having the space for him; eva even stayed a night at the same time. there has been an incredible outpouring of love and support from friends and family and for that we are truly grateful. we’ve driven many miles in the last few days, but not done anything for the house.
looks like february is not a good month for home improvement but it has been nice to see my family.
Thank you so much, Mathew & Janeen,
It was so kind of you to appear inthe hospital; and you did brilliantly discovering how to get the costs covered by Medicare, MediCal and SocSec. Thankyou,thankkyou! Hope the House activities simply sail along this weekend!