I’ve finished the siding on the back side of the laundry room, and got both windows in.
Here are a couple of views showing the windows and the siding before I put the trim around the windows.
Now the trim and the fascia is on. The really hard part was fitting wood around the sewer vent pipe (in the top right photo). If I were to do it again, it would be faster to move the pipe — and the result would be better, too. One more for experience. Just need to finish filling, sanding, and paint!
Maybe these photos of the living room downstairs will give a clue about the ‘change of plans.’
Or these, of the kitchen and the bedroom downstairs?
A couple of things changed: One of them, my friend who stayed at the house when we were first working on the downstairs, was looking for a place to live with his girlfriend in town. Two: We faced up to the fact that the work I’m doing is taking too long to justify waiting to rent out the space as a vacation rental. So we dropped the vacation rental idea, and it’s going to be a regular rental. Not quite so simple, because we need to clear out all the furniture, and repaint the bedroom (the pink is not popular with anyone). The downside is that we will no longer have space for family to stay. The up side is we’ll be getting rent (finally!), which takes some of the pressure off paying bills and reduces the stress to finish the renovation work.