
the morning after a crazy storm, we decided to take a short road trip.

we drove and drove and drove.

we saw some very dramatic clouds.

and then we saw kittens! (l to r) kitten D, B and A.

(left) mathew with kitten B. (right) kitten C.

(l to r) kittens C, D, A, E and B. i think…

when they weren’t playing with toys and attacking each other, they sure liked to sleep.

(left) when we left the kittens that afternoon we only signed a contract for one, kitten B. she was relatively calm and got along well with me. (right) but when we woke up the next morning mathew realized we also needed kitten A. she was incredibly fun, loved her sister and got along well with mathew (but didn’t care for me too much…)

these are siberian kittens, an interesting, special breed from russia, also known as forest or snow cats. they have very dog-like personalities, a thick water-resistant coat, enjoy water and are supposedly hypo-allergenic. so anyone with cat allergies, please feel free to visit us in the new year. we’d love for you to meet bella and arwen and to see just how hypo-allergenic they really are!