where were we?

this is what happened two weekends ago.


on saturday i sanded the wainscoting.


while mathew was down in the garage cutting and shaping the white marble that will go around the downstairs bathroom window.


(left) vacuuming, prepping for grout. (right) grouting. notice the new marble frame around the window?


(left) after grout has been applied. (right) white recycled tile and new marble window frame and sill.


on sunday i deserted mathew to attend my first of three letterpress classes at san francisco center for the book…



at home mathew had installed glass in the upstairs bedroom back-door.


here he is creating trim on the router table he made. this is the last piece needed to finish the upstairs bathroom window, for some reason it wasn’t added last year.


creating the curve that faces out.


(left) without lower trim. (right) after mathew added the trim and finished caulking the gaps. nice, huh?


apparently it was a day of odds and ends and completing unfinished projects. here is the exterior side door on the garage. (left) old, ugly, peeling trim. (right) trim removed.


(left) this looks like a good piece of wood to reuse… (right) this is what happens when the router decides to get creative and goes astray… [I was learning how to use the router table to make trim, so I figured the garage door beside the garbage cans is a good place to start. I had to set up guides at the side and top of the board to hold it firmly in place as it slides through the router, or it gets the dents shown above. – turtle]


the new exterior door trim before and after paint. possibly a little too beautiful for an exterior garage door? hopefully the garbage, recycling and compost bins will appreciate the new decor!