early this morning i found mathew up in the lemon tree (with the spiders) pruning and harvesting. (left photo: if you look closely you can see mathew playing “where’s waldo?”)
lemons for our neighbors! this box was completely gone by the time we came home in the afternoon.
we had a birthday celebration for my mom and mathew at my grandmother’s place. my mom and younger brother, justin looked so cute in their beige baseball caps. like mother, like son.
after lunch (at a vegan chinese restaurant) we celebrated with gifts, pie and cheese cake, then came home to move in our new refrigerator (a gift from my parents!)
my family stuck around for a few hours to help with the house. jason, my older brother, got busy taking down the four ugly closet doors in the bedroom. then he moved on to helping bring the “hall closet” back to it’s original form as a built-in cabinet in the foyer.
and i had the satisfaction of exposing the final bit of red floor in the living room. i wouldn’t let anyone help me finish it. (and you can’t really tell, but i am wearing my new (ebay) eeyore work overalls! embroidered with dragonflies…)