on saturday, i mentioned that i’d really like to replace my plastic csi office door for my real door (that has been sitting in the garage for months.) mathew was more than happy to change his agenda for the day because plumbing is his least favorite activity to work on.
(left) mathew planing the door to fit the frame. (see, my ugly csi plastic door? still in place to keep the dust away from my office equipment as i sanded the door frame.) (right) i’m finally painting the frame for the window in the living room. it was sunny and warm, a perfect day to have the windows taken out and painted.
(left) mathew clamping wood to the top and bottom of the door. victorian door frames are taller than today’s standard doors. we purchased this door from a local discount place and it was easier and cheaper to alter this door than place a custom order for the correct height. plus, settling of the house caused the door frame to become slightly off-square, so a thin angled piece was added to the top of the door. (right) here mathew is lying on the floor drilling the hole for the door knob while the wood glue is drying.
and finally on to the plumbing! mathew wouldn’t be mathew unless he was cutting holes in ceilings, floors and walls. (he needs to get to the pipes…)