“two dads moving company”
left: daniel and mathew moving the blue chair. right: pre-lunch snacks provided by mom.
mae and stef arrived just in time for lunch. and they brought homemade curry noodles and spring rolls! they even helped move a carload full of stuff. aren’t we supposed to provide the food? our volunteers are too good to us.
after lunch we had a quick visit from mike (visiting from spain) and chris. (sorry, no photos.)
when the 3 cars were unloaded everyone but my parents were set free to enjoy the rest of their sunday. alex showed up at the old apartment to help with the final load (again, sorry, no photos, but he was wearing neon green and his hair was very enthusiastic…)
this is what exhaustion looks like.
haaa, of course most of the pics are of you eating and crashed out 🙂 i always feel bad photographing people when they are working and helping you out, feels like you want to say hey dad, hold that chair up a little higher, look over your shoulder while you walk through the door with that couch… okay smile.