turtle+mole on vacation

Much time on vacation + delinquent contractors + tiredness = not much done on house.

I managed to do some of the interior finishing around the skylight, but because it’s still not properly installed — “next week” we keep hearing — I couldn’t finish it. I’ve put in the insulation, and patched up most of the damaged plaster.

Misha came to visit! My dad, Eva, and Leo also came by, so we had a Bit’ family gathering.

While Misha was visiting, I had to do some work, so Misha and Dad went for a walk around the Mission. At some point, they walked into a place that had one of the robotic arm games where you try to control the arm to grab a stuffed animal. Needless to say, Misha won.

He decided to call it ‘love monster’ and sewed the knitted hearts Janeen had given him onto the eyes of the stuffed animal. Creepy? Cute? Funny?

On Balmy Alley

Janeen went to visit her ‘other family’ up in Washington. Wiley was graduating from University of Puget Sound. mole here: i got a kick out of it every time wylie introduced me to her friends or professors as her babysitter. hard to believe the toddler who was my BFF when i was 20 has now graduated from college.

the day after wylie’s graduation, she and i made the long drive to forks, washington, where the twilight series was based and filmed. the rain, drizzle and fog looked just like the movies. la push beach was our favorite part of the visit.

during my washington visit i even got to see some old friends. (left) high school friend, maile and i spent an afternoon in seattle, which even included a horse and carriage ride! (right) and on the way back from forks, wylie and i had dinner with my foothill college friend erik, who now lives in snohomish.

(back to turtle…) And since we seem to be people of leisure, that vacation was promptly followed by almost a week in Yosemite. We heard that the previous week was hot and sunny, so Janeen and I brought shorts, swimsuits, and a spare pair of pants, just in case.

It snowed while we were up there!

The waterfalls were glorious. So much water, it appeared to turn to powder as it flowed over the cliffs.

Every waterfall was an opportunity to get drenched in the mist.

Above left: we took a photo in front of a wood elf! I love old machinery.

In Mariposa grove, the ‘kids’ took off for an extended hike up into the snow.

…Relaxing after the hike…

Last weekend, though, I finally finished polyurethane and stain on all the wood trim in the office. It’s almost ready for paint.

turtle in the hole!

mole, here! it’s been a while since i’ve made a blog post. mathew has been giving me a much needed break from working on the house, but i still take photos and keep him company while he’s working. i also act as his “scrub nurse” when he’s “operating” on the house. i’m very good at retrieving tools, battery packs, ear protection, blah, blah, blah.

let’s get on with this post, mole-style: heavy on the photos, light on the text (because i don’t always know what i’m talking about!)

uh-oh,.. when the carpets are pulled up you know what this means, right?

HOLES in my living room floor! (right) mathew trying to figure out the next step.

(left) drilling for studs. (right) this is mathew’s way of figuring out the best place to cut so he doesn’t disturb joists or other important stuff. first he used his handy “wizard” tool to check for metal and joists (see 2nd photo at the beginning of the post. it’s an electronic gadget that beeps when it senses something.) mathew’s pencil marks show were the joist is and the drill holes are just to double check.

(left) the cutting begins! (right) seeing what’s what.

(left) no electrical here! oops. this hole was cut but it turned out it was in the wrong spot. mathew ran downstairs to remeasure the office to find the location of the office light. (right) here he’s opening up an old hole.

(left) with mathew downstairs in the office i’m waiting upstairs for instructions. a faint, tiny voice says “can you feed the wire through?” “okay,” says mole. (right) i wandered downstairs to see where that one went. it’s for my office light switch! he pulled out some old scary looking wire and replaced it with new wire. he’s also grounding it because my new light switch plate will be metal and i don’t enjoy being electrocuted.

(left) in the office, cutting the hole for the light junction box. (right) back upstairs cutting a pipe. was this from the old gas lights?

(left) time to go into the dark, hot, insulated crawl space. this is our permanent “door” behind a cabinet near our dining area. (right) now the “fun” begins… earlier mathew was cutting holes in the floor and saying “watch out for that hole!” um, they were pretty obvious,.. i wasn’t going to fall in. but that didn’t stop mathew from saying “mole in the hole!” now who’s fallen into the hole?

this was by far the most challenging part of the day. through this small-ish hole mathew would take a peek, then lie down and reach in with a crowbar tool to blindly remove old electrical tube and knob parts. his concentration was impressive and he removed all of them. turtle in the hole!

(left) this is what he was removing. they are ceramic tubes and knobs used for electrical wires a long time ago. he says he’s seen them at building resources. i can’t imagine anyone using them for electrical wiring now, so we can only guess that maybe artists find them useful. (right) the carpet has finally been reinstalled and i’m more than happy to reassemble my living room.

and today is april 1st, april fool’s day and my dad’s birthday! i think he already looked at the blog today, but hopefully he’ll see this tomorrow. happy birthday dad! i love you. (i think this photo was taken in 1977.)

turtle meets wordle

this week i introduced mathew to wordle and he got a little obsessed with it. wordle.net is a place where you can enter a bunch of random words or a site url and it creates typography art based on how often certain words are used. here are some of mathew’s creations. click to view them at full size.

cool, huh?

saying goodbye to warren

i lost a good friend last november.


i met warren as a freshman in high school; he was my first boyfriend and we remained good friends over the last 20+ years. warren was a hyper-active, fast-talking, fast-thinking, fast-eating, computer and science genius. in his short 37 years he created a software program called pymol used by scientists around the world. he could have charged money for his product but he gave it away as open source. his goal was to make an impact and do something good for the world, and i believe he accomplished this.

you can read more about warren here: http://www.wldmemorialfund.org

(above left) warren in 1986. (above right) warren with his wife beth in 2006.

an electrical weekend

it was a busy social weekend for us! saturday we were in palo alto for our friends’ son’s birthday party, stopped by to wish my brother a quick happy birthday and had dinner with an old high school friend and his son. on valentines day we had dinner with my grandmother, aunt and uncle to celebrate chinese new year at a local italian restaurant.

this last weekend we worked on electrical projects in the garage. it was time consuming and wasn’t all a priority but it greatly improves the safety of our home.


wires, wires everywhere!


an assortment of electrical goodies (nightmares) found in our garage. yikes! i’m no electrical expert, but this just looks wrong.


(left) my favorite tool this weekend, it strips the plastic coating from electrical wire, leaving the copper exposed and unharmed. (right) yep, mathew had me working on electric projects this weekend. on sunday i was helping mathew while he worked, on monday he put me to work on my own projects!


the 3-way light switch i wired myself! (please excuse the need for touch-up paint…)

while i worked yesterday, with every new project i had to ask, “is this live? is it turned off?” because i’ve had some scary electrical accidents in the past, i just needed to be totally sure i wasn’t going to be electrocuted! it never hurts to be safe.


at times it was complete wiring chaos…


here are a couple of the completed projects. not much to look at, but very much improved!

hope everyone had a nice valentines/chinese new year weekend!

mathew’s travels

during the last week of january mathew went to england to visit his mum.


he finally got to see her house in stroud. they had a nice time catching up, taking walks and wandering around her town. mathew enjoyed lots of sleep and mum-cooked meals,


and pub visits, with the english beers he enjoys…



they visited mathew’s godfather rob and his wife jehanne.


(left) and back in london mathew got to see his cousin darren. (right) on the last night mathew stayed with our friends phil and hannah. here is phil with his daughter lily, wearing the hat i knitted for her (with a removable flower!) phil says that lily told him that she loves her new hat.

wallpaper is not our friend

in mid-january we started working on my office.


(left) we laid down protective paper and plastic. one of the disadvantages to having the floors done “out of sequence” because now we have to strip the wallpaper in the office and worry about damaging the floors with all the water! (right) i don’t know what mathew is doing here, probably taping the heating vent so it doesn’t leak. but i thought it was a funny photo…


mathew adding electrical outlets throughout the room. as always this means making holes in the walls!


…and drilling down to the garage so the wiring has somewhere to go. this always freaks me out but mathew seems to know what he’s doing. (right) while he was downstairs in the garage, i was laying down plastic and heard a noise coming from the hole he just made in the baseboard. i was surprised to see this: a drill coming up from downstairs! looks like he was right on target.


(left) i’m always curious to know what the house looked like in 1914. here’s some bright green wallpaper. can’t imagine this covering the entire room. the previous owners were bold with their design choices! (right) the wallpaper and paint in this corner was loose and couldn’t wait to come off the wall. there are some cracks here and water damage is the reason the wallpaper no longer sticks to the plaster.


we rented a wallpaper steamer and the next day we started attacking the walls. we thought it would be a quick and easy project because it was a living room and not a kitchen, so the walls weren’t coated in grease. the coverings should just slide off, right? WRONG. assuming something will be easy, is always our first mistake! it was slow-going (right) and the plastic we taped onto the baseboards wasn’t doing its job. water was getting trapped under the plastic!


(left) on this wall we discovered a completely different original wallpaper: pink and green floral on white. (right) here are i am scraping at the paint, in the hope that the wallpaper would be easier to steam without it in the way. not so much…


it was a long and tiring night. and we still aren’t done with removing the wall paper. do you understand why it’s taken me so long to make a blog post? (right) on a brighter note: mathew finished the shelves for the built-in hall cabinet. popo wasted no time moving her trinkets onto the shelves, of which i don’t have a photo. i guess i’m not a fan of the trinkets… but it’s her space, not ours and we want her to be happy.

the saga continues…

happy 2010 everyone! how did turtle + mole celebrate the new year? by making a homemade ravioli dinner, going to bed early and getting up the next morning and working on the stairs! well, maybe just turtle worked on the stairs, mole was probably inside knitting.


mathew happily showing off his giant can of bondo. if you keep buying small cans over and over again, it means you need a larger quantity!


popo told everyone she didn’t want a big birthday party this year and that she wanted everyone to visit individually. i guess when you’re 86 you can tell people what to do and they do it. my aunt laura and uncle mike came over for lunch a couple weekends ago.


and the following night my aunt linda, uncle joel, cousins lynne, jarrett and serena and their sons timothy and benjamin came over for their family birthday celebration. (above) the boys playing with all the noisy, scary christmas toys i “love” so much… so glad christmas is over!


(left) aunt linda and popo. (right) popo and her fancy birthday cake.

the following weekend my parents and uncle gilbert and aunt pauline celebrated popo’s birthday again. my mom made cream puffs for dessert and popo had 3 of them! and she celebrated on her actual birth-day with uncle winston and aunt karen. i stopped taking photos because the blog was becoming all about popo and not about our remodel!


last weekend i found mathew painting the stairs. i quickly suited up and went outside to help with the primer. it was sunny and warm while i was out there. but as we finished the primer, clouds covered the sky and rain threatened…


…but that didn’t stop us from putting on a first coat of color! it’s looking a little smurfy right now. i think the color will improve with more coats. (it should be a medium periwinkle. and for all you non-graphic designers, that’s a blue-ish purple.) just not sure when that will happen since rain is forecast for the next 10 days… but at least this part is done and mathew can get some rest and stop worrying about the stairs rotting with every storm that comes.

we’re using a special outdoor step and patio paint that supposedly isn’t slippery when it rains.


and we added a peephole to the door so that popo can look out when people ring the bell. we had her stand there so we could get the height just right. she is tiny! that hole was drilled at 4 feet 4.5 inches. we’re about to order a new door tomorrow, but when it comes we can drill a new hole and use this same peephole.

hope everyone is having a nice new year!

a peaceful christmas

okay, i’ll admit, this has nothing to do with the house. well, maybe a little bit, at the very end.


my mom’s chan family christmas is always held at my aunt and uncle’s house in hercules. (left) uncle jay, popo, uncle winston, uncle mike. (right) my mom, aunt linda, aunt jackie.

uncle jay and aunt jackie stayed downstairs in popo’s unit on christmas eve and had lunch with my immediate family on christmas morning. unfortunately i forgot to take photos. 🙁


(left to right) catching up: najia, tanya, ronny, justin.


(left) me and mathew. mathew actually looks relaxed! (right) cousins playing “apples to apples.” i want that game!

our christmas traditions have been streamlined quite a bit over the years. my immediate family no longer has a gift exchange, so christmas morning we come together, talk and enjoy each other’s company free of gifts and waste. and with my cousins on my mom’s side we have a big white elephant game instead of a pile of presents. some of the gifts made special repeat appearances from last year. the most popular items in the game were movie tickets and chocolate.


aunt laura, popo, aunt jackie, my mom, aunt em (hostess), aunt linda.


my dad and uncles playing along with me. (left to right) my dad, uncle jay, uncle winston, uncle joel.


my cousin larry loves visiting our neighborhood and often would donate his time to help us with the house. he’s recently become quite a chocolate and chocolate cake connoisseur, and although i was intimidated by his high chocolate standards, as a gift i decided to bake him a vegan chocolate cake. to my surprise, he awarded me with his 2009 “perfect” chocolate cake award! (click to read more)


you probably wouldn’t guess it, but it was a small gathering this year. my cousins with little kids alternate attending thanksgiving and christmas so there were no little ones running around. it was a relaxing and rather peaceful day with lots of interesting conversations and laughter. if everyone had attended there would be 19 more people in this photo!


and the day after christmas? mathew was up early and working on those stairs!

hope everyone had a peaceful and relaxing christmas.

have a safe and festive new year’s eve!

turtle + mole wishes everyone a happy and healthy 2010.
see you online,

’twas the night before christmas…

…or the day before christmas.


there was a break in the rain and mathew was outside again working on those steps! i joke that it’s “mathew vs. mother nature” and mother nature is winning, but mathew is making good progress despite too-short breaks from the rain.


that night we had our annual bittleston christmas eve gathering. (left to right) jim, reirin, daniel, dan, leonora and mathew. i should have had someone take a photo of me and evamarie.


after dinner, lots of laughs.


(left to right) eva and reirin, leo and dan.


taking a group photo was like a comedy of errors. and all of it secretly captured on dan’s video camera…
