in an attempt to get more accomplished on the house, we’ve been declining any daytime, social invites. it’s probably not making us very popular with friends and family, but it would be great if my grandmother could move in asap and not have to spend another winter living alone. because of our work schedules, our house schedule keeps getting pushed back.
here are the photo highlights from this long weekend. because our evenings were busy i had to make one large post today.

(above left) new sidewalk and driveway squares! (above right) more plumbing.

white bread: a plumber’s tool. it helps to soak up water in the pipes so that you can actually solder the pipe instead of just boil water in it. but i’m guessing most plumbers don’t use freshly baked baguettes. and mathew takes bites in between soldering.

we had our first house guests! midori and andy were visiting from portland and stayed over friday night. i guess i don’t have to mention, we were terrible hosts! we were up early on saturday and mathew got right to work.

as the temps drop, the need to insulate becomes urgent. this house was built in 1914, before insulation. here mathew is adding fiberglass insulation to the bathroom ceiling and walls.

another late night of plaster work. another dinner at midnight. typically one wall takes us about 4 hours from start to finish. i was having so much fun taking photos of mathew and his shadow that he had to ask me to stop so i could actually get some work done… (there were a lot of cool shadow photos!)

more insulation. one side of the living room is done. the bedroom is next. for the ceilings we’re going to use a blow-in recycled cellulose insulation. it involves drilling holes in the ceiling plaster and renting a machine to blow the material into each space. a cozy new hat and jacket for our house.