all work and no play…

the weekend went by too quickly.

bedroombathroom floor

the bedroom is now ready for us to move in but that won’t happen until the bathroom at least has a toilet. i finished painting final bedroom trim while mathew put moisture barrier paper over the sub-floor.


next he started cutting cedar flooring to create the border for the bathroom floor. since it’s such a small room, we decided a single border was enough.


sunday was tax day. doesn’t mathew look happy? we’ve never put off doing our taxes before… mathew’s freelance business is so lucrative, that even though we pay estimated taxes during the year, we still owe the equivalent of 2 years of our old rent! this year will be different, mathew just accepted a position with arup, an engineering company he’s always wanted to work for.


after taxes were done it was back to work upstairs. in the left photo above, you can see him using ‘daniel’ (to keep with naming tools after the people we’ve borrowed them from). it puts special serrated nails into the side of the tongue-and-groove board. not many people use this old mechanical version any more; the more modern version is air-powered and shoots staples instead.


while mathew finished installing the floor i sanded the dining area. i got about half of it done. in the photo above right he’s routing a groove into the bottom of the board to fit over the tongue on the border boards. the router is attached to the vacuum to catch the sawdust– sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.




3 thoughts on “all work and no play…”

  1. Wow the bathroom looks really pretty! Congrats on the job Mathew – its great to be able to work for a place you always wanted to work for. 🙂

  2. Congratulations, Mathew! When do you start with Arup? Thanks for the link to Arup; a very interesting company indeed! Wow! Their new TVCenter in China!
    The Science center with Living Roof in San Francisco!

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