a couple of sickies

for the record: i don’t think i got mathew sick. i’ve got this 2-week cold that’s going around and he might have a stomach flu. one good thing about being sick in this house though… an endless supply of lemons for hot lemon & honey. (lemons shown on a mathew designed/built bench.)


i think getting sick might have been good for mathew. he’d been working so much and stressed out all the time. now he’s catching up on sleep, getting 12+ hours a night/day.


but it still hasn’t kept him from working on the house.

One thought on “a couple of sickies”

  1. Get WEll Soon
    SOme t imes we need to get horizontal when we are tired
    Some times we get sick to get rest
    I have become much slower since I had the flue
    I would like to have a chat so let me know a good time to get you I shall do the maths
    lots of loe from Mumsu

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