
snackshrink wrap

because i haven’t had very many pretty pictures to post recently, i thought i’d share one of a snack i had last week. (i guess it’s not technically pretty, but it brings back fond memories…)(yes, larry, they’re vegan!) (right) here i am in my office, shrink wrapping the (cheap, single-pane) windows with a plastic film to seal out drafts. one day they’ll be replaced.

windowvent fan

we spent a lot of the weekend winterizing and preparing for the upcoming rain by painting, sealing and caulking around the windows upstairs. rain is predicted for at least the next 10 days! (right) the cute little bathroom vent hood that mathew installed on the roof last weekend.


an early evening moon photo taken by mathew while freezing on the roof. (right) the upstairs bathroom is on the verge of greatness… ready for plaster, tile, flooring, wainscoting, a custom-made vanity, a sink, shower, toilet, medicine cabinet, light fixtures and switches…


except for last weekend’s window detour, the bedroom is almost ready for paint! here mathew is taping and skim-coating the ceiling.

have a good week everyone. stay warm and dry!

2 thoughts on “winterizing”

  1. I love your blog. It’s awesome. I will need to check it regularly. Can I help with the renovations in May when I come to CA? You are learning so much, this is really exciting.

  2. Oh, a vegan chocolate cupcake with soy milk is so much more than pretty, it’s outright beautiful – a masterpiece to behold and enjoy. I can taste it now. How I envy you!

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